Need help choosing an anime to watch...


Ah ha!! But this is different you see. Whats happened is recently my girlfriends started to try to get into Anime/Manga more. Now she just goes off and buys manga so thats fine but, she's started wanting to watch stuff when she comes over. (I dont know if this is a good thing :lol:)
My problem lies in what to show her. Thing is, she's seen the normal (Pokémon, Sailor Moon i think she mentioned. Thats about it), and I dont know what I can really show her.
My problem lies in that, idiots in school keep saying I watch hentai... And yeah, basically she doesnt wanna watch something that may have something too 'erotic' in then. I think she says shes cool with Ghost In The Shell (Stand Alone Complex now), and she DID show interest in Death Note, but im not sure. Also to me its all re watch so all I ask is Can you either:

Reccomend an anime I havent seen (most of you know what ive seen)
that we can both watch and hopefully enjoy


Reccomend something you think she might like.

She does like horror stuff, but she'll take light hearted too. I dont think shes that picky to be honest, and as long as its not too 'erotic' as I said, it should be cool. (I dont think Elfen Lied is a good choice by the way...)

Also, is this a good sign for me, or not?!?!

Let's see, what about Haruhi? That shouldn't be a problem should it? But since you did ask for something you haven't seen then i'm not sure, As for a good sign...yes, yes it is :p
BlackWolf said:
Let's see, what about Haruhi? That shouldn't be a problem should it? But since you did ask for something you haven't seen then i'm not sure, As for a good sign...yes, yes it is :p

Hmm. The only problem may be, when she's looked at the box sets ive ordered of Haruhi, from the pictures on the Pencil boards etc. I think she belives it might have something... dodgy/'erotic' in it :lol: I dunno I can try it!!
Spyro201 said:
My problem lies in what to show her. Thing is, she's seen the normal (Pokémon, Sailor Moon i think she mentioned. Thats about it)
Frankly, after seeing those anything should be an improvement.

I'm not that sure on what you have and haven't watched Spyro, but probably any Rumiko Takahashi stuff (Urusei Yatsura, Ranma, Maison Ikkoku) created by a woman, so that's always a good thing to say. :wink:

Also Kino's Journey, and I'm always going to plug Haibane Renmei. Either of those might fit the bill, they're both pretty gentle and not too taxing on the mind. I think it's best to introduce anyone to anime gently ie: sitting her down with Evangelion at this point would probably just turn her off anime again.
ayase said:
Spyro201 said:
My problem lies in what to show her. Thing is, she's seen the normal (Pokémon, Sailor Moon i think she mentioned. Thats about it)
Frankly, after seeing those anything should be an improvement.

I'm not that sure on what you have and haven't watched Spyro, but probably any Rumiko Takahashi stuff (Urusei Yatsura, Ranma, Maison Ikkoku) created by a woman, so that's always a good thing to say. :wink:

You wont belive how much that genuinly WILL help in this case :lol: What are the above mentioned about?? Will I like them??

Also what ive seen and liked, a few that spring to mind are; Black Laggoon, Ghost In The Shell, Bleach, Death Note, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (those are the main ones really.) Others I like; One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and just various other things I cant think of atm :p

ayase said:
Also Kino's Journey, and I'm always going to plug Haibane Renmei. Either of those might fit the bill, they're both pretty gentle and not too taxing on the mind. I think it's best to introduce anyone to anime gently ie: sitting her down with Evangelion at this point would probably just turn her off anime again.

What kinda genre are the above mentioned??
Spyro201 said:
What kinda genre are the above mentioned??
Ah! Please don't ask me to define genre. Anything but that! :cry:

Haibane & Kino are both fairly thoughtful and slow paced. Haibane follows a girl (Rakka) who wakes up one day as an Angel-like being as she adapts to and find out about the nature of her life. Did she have a past life? Why are some people in the world winged and others not?

Kino follows a masculine-seeming girl who travels the world on her talking motorbike basically seeing how things work in different fictonal countries and maintaing a non-interventionalist (where possible) attitude, but she often finds herself getting more involved than she would like.

Urusei Yatsura is the only Rumiko Takahashi work I have actually seen, which follows teenager Ataru Moroboshi and his (not by choice) possesive alien fiancee Lum - who likes to electrocute him a lot. It's probably the easiest to define: as a comedy with relationship / romance aspects. However, it's also the hardest to get hold of. The films tend to be dirt cheap direct from MVM, but the series (as with all of Takahashi's) is very long and only available from the US.
You're leaning towards Urusei Yatsura, I take it? My advice would be to get the films first, (all 5 released in the UK would only set you back £9 from the link I provided) and if you like them look into getting the series... by whatever means you wish. You can buy them direct from the US distro (AnimEigo) for between $10-$20 each - though there are 50 of them.

Update: Actually it seems you can't. They only ship to the US & Canada. Hmm. Shop around, I guess. I got some off eBay.
You should probably start by showing her some films [plus looking at your list it'll give you a chance to see some awesome ones too!]
Logically, probably best to start with some of the Ghibli movies. Because the majority are pretty family friendly you dont need to worry about any erotic moment.
I'd reccommend Spirited Away. Its a really lovely film, with 'ckin amazing art too! Theres plenty of information around on ANN and Wiki so i wont bother going over the synopsis for you.
Also from Ghibli theres Howls Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa, My Neighbour Totoro. Seriously, all these are good starters, plus you owe it to yourself to see them :lol:
Oh and theres Princess Mononoke. Darker than the other Ghibli's and quite violent in parts.

Other films you could watch with her~ Tekkon Kinkreet, Place Promised in our Early Days, Voices of a Distant Star, 5 Centimeters Per Second.

Theres plenty to look to see, but as i said, its probably best to start her off with films rather than jump into lengthy series straight away. She doesnt need the commitment to watch them if you get the whole story in one viewing.
So good luck :D

EDIT// oh and for horror...gotta watch Hellsing!! Not scary just nice and violent.
Just added you Spyro to Myanimelist :p

My misses is exactly the same. Problem she has is that she doesn't like subtitles. So that limits the results straight away. She watches teh Ghibli movies fine (think they are her favourite). Dunno if my misses is like yours but she prefers the more seriouse anime like "Monster"etc. She did like Deathnote however untill the Eng DVDs are released I only have subs to offer her :S

I know exactly how you feel and I hope you do a better job than I have at turning my misses into an anime fan.
::Forces thread back onto rails::

Took a look at your myanimelist Spyro, you haven't watched a right lot, so there are a lot of options. If you plan to watch Cowboy Bebop then that's always a good one to start new people off on as well. Provided they can stand Jazz music.

I've just been making a list there myself under the same name. Feel free to take a look at that and ask about any of the series.
Yes, Cowboy Bebop is indeed a good starter. That's how I got my misses to tolerate anime. She hasn't seen the sries all the way threw yet like. #¬_¬

Edit: Added ayase to myanimelist :p
I watched the Bebop Movie after the series, but seeing how awesome it is made me think it would be the perfect introductory anime for almost anyone.
Ok, so I think I'll post some light hareted stuff.....

Not really sure what you like, but I found Pita Ten to be a laugh.
The art is kinda' strange though, somewhere between chibi and something else.....

Shakugan No Shana is also a good one I guess, don't remember how much fan service is in it though....
Don't think it has much in it.

Someday's Dreamers is also a fairly good one, about what the would be like with mages, and follows Yume, as she trians to become a qualified mage.

Just started watching Soul Eater, which seems quite cool, the art is really weird, and it took me a while to get used to the style.
There is a minimum amount of fanservice, but seems to be only once every 10 or so episodes....

Minabi Straight might be good, not very much really happens in it, it's just about a bunch of girls planing a school festival, but it's fun to watch.

If you wanted to go down the Sailor Moon, magical girl route, then there is the very annoying Kamichama Karin.... about a bunch of dudes who use magical rings to transform into gods, ones that happen to look very much like girls.

Vampire knight was ok, the art was awesome, and the story was semi-engaging, but most of it happens towards the last episodes....

I can think of a whole host of absurdist comedy that I like, but thats not really sutable, if you don't understand the referneces....
Like Pani Poni Dash!.

Don't think you will find any of them with a dub though, so if you don't like subs, you're out of luck.
Voddas said:
Edit: Added ayase to myanimelist :p

Request for friendship... accepted. 8)

I have to put all the Ghibli films on there yet - it'll look a bit more impressive with those on.
Maltos said:
Logically, probably best to start with some of the Ghibli movies. Because the majority are pretty family friendly you dont need to worry about any erotic moment.
I'd reccommend Spirited Away. Its a really lovely film, with 'ckin amazing art too! Theres plenty of information around on ANN and Wiki so i wont bother going over the synopsis for you.
Also from Ghibli theres Howls Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa, My Neighbour Totoro. Seriously, all these are good starters, plus you owe it to yourself to see them :lol:
Oh and theres Princess Mononoke. Darker than the other Ghibli's and quite violent in parts.

The only problem is I really think I'd hate Ghibli, cause its kinda... I dunno really doesnt seem my thing. She's seen Spirited Away though. If I remember she said "Its good but a bit weird".

I watched the Bebop Movie after the series, but seeing how awesome it is made me think it would be the perfect introductory anime for almost anyone.

Can I watch it before the series?? Thing is we really dont mind going through a series cause we meet up regularly enough, and it kinda gives a point of wanting to meet up, if you understand me.

Don't think you will find any of them with a dub though, so if you don't like subs, you're out of luck.

Thats not a problem at all. I watch nearly everything with subs, and I dont think she will care at all. To be honest, she's quite excited about starting to watch more, so I think she'll try nearly anything you throw unless its erotic. A but of fanservice is fine like, but not Ikkitousen style if you get me :p ;)

Just started watching Soul Eater, which seems quite cool, the art is really weird, and it took me a while to get used to the style.

Ive heard this series' name flung around quite alot. Views from anyone else??

Dunno if my misses is like yours but she prefers the more seriouse anime like "Monster"etc

Ive also heard alot about Monster. Can you summarise?? I know I can go to wiki for these things its just, I prefer hearing fan-views, and wiki does have a habit of not warning about spoilers.

By the way ive taken a note of all the series' mentioned so if I didnt mention them above, I have listened dont worry!! Now if it means anything she did take an interest in Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex, should I really start her on GITS though?? Or is it a bit heavy going?? Or to test the water, should I try her on the movie??

Oh and I really cant emphasise enough how she loves horror/gorey stuff. Its kinda scary, really ;) :p

Thanks alot for the help aswell guys!! Keep it coming :p:p