Naruto: Ultimate Ninja STORM


Baka Ranger
I downloaded the demo a bit ago on the PSN, Its not bad at all. Its got a real feeling of depth into the battle-grounds and the graphics are pretty. It doesn't have a feeling the feeling of epic-ness, That I got/get when I play Burst Limit, though. The lip-synching matches up the dub voices, which is odd. I need to have a longer go on the demo, since I only had one battle but it looks like its a promising anime game.

I'll probably get it, Since it has a actual story to it and isn't just a fighter.

Official Site - Wiki Page - Cover
I didn't notice the lipsyncing at all but my partner was annoyed about it. I have the last three games (3, Accel, Accel 2) in this series so I'll be getting this one too. Love the new ougi cutscenes from the demo and I can't wait to see the rest.

from what i have played i think Ninja Storm is really good. although the combat seems tooo simple and somewhat too free flowing, but its one of those changed i will have to get used to.
in all i am looking forward to this game..cant wait.

and for those wondering why the lip syncing matches the english dub voices, its because this game is being released in the US first, then it will come out in japan and other regions.... thats what i gathered from this developer interview few months back.
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The Naruto fighting games are all ******, except the latest PS3 one which looks pretty good, they're just gimmicky games which can't be taken seriously as fighting games, I mean when performing the characters special attacks there's cutscenes, what the hell?

So the demo is out? I might try it and check if its as good as it seems.
The supers are still cutscenes. But you can just not use them. I like how this series has the cutscenes be somewhat interactive. My friends always whine I am immune to ougis because they suck at pressing the button sequences :)

Rui said:
The supers are still cutscenes. But you can just not use them. I like how this series has the cutscenes be somewhat interactive. My friends always whine I am immune to ougis because they suck at pressing the button sequences :)

Yeah, I liked the cutscenes as well. The
"interactivennes" of them also got me.
I love the Ultimate Ninja games...especially annoying people in multiplayer with TWO PALMS, FOUR PALMS, 728 PALMS...over and over. 8)
Wondering what the 'Adventure' mode is going to be like. Hopefully you just get to run around in the hidden leaf and do little missions and stuff, or you can just run round doing stunts and shize :p I love free running in games...