Naruto Shippuden Vol.1 sell 1,330 copies on release day


Stand User
The first volume of the sequel anime series to Naruto, Naruto Shippuden sold 1,330 copies on first day release on monday.


How many copies do we need to buy until Manga have enough money for the license to One Piece?
Should we start sending girl scouts out? Give them something to sell other than cookies?
I suppose by anime marketing standards that is a pretty good sale, though any other genre would consider that quite poor.
sanji no 1 said:
Im sure if it was Evangelion that sold that much and not Naruto, the comments would be alot more different! Im just saying.

It wouldn't surprise me if Evangelion 1.11 sold roughly the same or even more than Naruto Shippuden on it's first day. Self contained Movies would have greater appeal to casual fan than needing to collect a lot of box sets and need a lot more time to watch than movies do.

I heard it's been mentioned that the 2nd Ghost in the Shell movie sold something like 35,000 copies, I bet no single release of Naruto has sold near that in the UK.