Nakama Britannica Podcast Needs You!

Professor Irony

Given that the three of us hosting the podcast (Arbalest, Vivisqueen and myself) have had mounting real life commitments making any kind of regular release schedule extremely difficult, we would like to open the floor to anyone else who'd like to come on as a regular host. For anyone who doesn't want to present but would still like to be involved, we're also looking for any willing volunteers to assist in editing or audio engineering tasks like noise reduction, but anyone up for that can skip the following wall of text and feel free to message us right now, by PM, the Nakama Britannica facebook or email to

For presenters, we're not looking to recruit our own replacements here, rather the ideal scenario would be to get enough people interested so as we can establish a 'pool' of hosts. Anyone in the pool can suggest topics to discuss and three or four people who're interested in any given topic can come on for that episode. Whether that is achievable depends on what kind of response we get.

The catch? We'd like you to prove yourself ̶i̶n̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶b̶a̶t̶ by way of an audition. We're looking for people who can speak well and interestingly on a given subject, so we'd like you to record a 3-5 minute soundbite telling us about your favourite anime, why you like it and what it means to you personally, then send or link it to us along with a short email outlining your particular interests and expertise. At a later date, we'd also like to gather up our volunteers for a short discussion on a given series which will be announced after the initial submissions are all in, letting us get some idea of how everyone interacts as part of a group.

There will be no direct voting because that really would turn this into even more of a popularity contest than it already is, but hopefully it should be clear by the end of all this who our new hosts are. In the event of any disputes, however, we reserve the right to make any final judgements ourselves.

The end result of both recordings will then be edited and posted as the next episode, allowing us a chance to gather feedback from the board and also a cooling off period, in case anyone no-longer feels able to participate and wants to back down.

So, ladies, gentlemen, artificial intelligences, we know you like to talk about anime and manga - please lend us your respective voices. It'll be a laugh.
Some questions you may have and their possible answers:

"I didn't know we had a podcast?"

Given our recent release schedule, I'm not surprised. Click the tab at the top of the page that says "Nakama Britannica" and know the terrible truth.

"Who are we answerable to?"

Chaos, ultimately, but as I will likely be the one making any final edit to the podcasts, I feel I need to take some responsibility for what is or is not said. Just don't suddenly discover your inner racist during the recording and I'm sure it'll be fine.

"How often and how long?"

Ideally, we'd like to see six episodes a year of between an hour and 90 minutes. That seems a reasonable schedule to allow for people to watch things and anything longer than an hour and a half might try people's patience.

"Can we discuss the news, seeing as this is Anime UK News and all?"

Maybe. In the past, we've avoided this as the time involved in organising and editing the recordings would result in the stories being stale by the time the episodes are released. If enough people really want that though, we can try to work something out.

"Can we discuss games?"

If there is compelling evidence for them being relevant (e.g. discussion of anime series based on game), I wouldn't rule it out, but otherwise, I feel our primary remit here is anime and manga.

"I only have x posts, can I still come on?"

Yes. Owing to apparent lack of interest, we'll consider anyone with a pulse. If you want to plug your own site/channel/goat farm at the end, then fair enough, so long as you're making a clear contribution to whatever's being discussed.

If you have another question not answered here, feel free to fire away.
As the response thus far has been less than enormous, we're now willing to accept submissions from people outwith the board or those with a low post count. Basically, we'll consider anyone who wants to talk about them Japanese cartoons. Send help.