My Holiday (pics)


Pokémon Master
I haven't had time to go get mines developed so i stole these to bring you some content and sunshine in this time of flash floods and general crap weather.

Get off the plane in Rhodes, Greece and sit on a bus with no air conditioning in 35 degree C heat for an hour and proceed to sweat like MJ in a nursery. After the driver Stelios finally gets his finger out and drives you half an hour round some small crazy roads you shall arrive here.


Elpida Beach studio apartments, hardly the luxury you wan't but damn it was cheap. Venture up two flights of stairs and you'll reach said room and something that resembles a bed.


With Faliraki being the fun filled place it is you can either do two things during the day. Which is either fire down to the pool or go for a swim in the sea.




...we decided to play football instead.

If you're brave enough and don't burn you can take a trip into town a convenient ten minute walk away. This is bar street. Faliraki has two main streets. Bar street, a street filled with bars funnily enough and club street, guess what that contains.


If you have balls of steel like me you can pay €25 to ride the "Slingshot" basically you get sat in a metal ball and get fired into the air at 100mph. We didn't pay €25 and cut a deal.



oh crap...

After a fun filled day of doing bugger all and recovering from the night before the sun finally goes away and you can take part in the "mental" Faliraki night life. If you can get past these massive things that make the worst noise in the world.


After fighting your way through lots of those things you can hit "Club Street" and find yourself in many exotic and thumping clubs, such as Liquid...


They call it Off Season for a reason, which later turned out to be a load of crap and the club was just dead.

So after several beers, many crappy, and your two free shots per drink which are almost always Sambuca and Ouzo. The two most vile, ass tasting drinks known to man. Your tastes start to wander onto pastures new...

Check sexuality, still straight? ok good.

One night we partied until the early hours and came home at around 7, just in time to see the sun rise. naturally we took pics for the boredom of walking 3km home drunk.




Little church at the marina, we didn't go near it but they built it in the weirdest of places.



This is the beach, our hotel is 2nd last on the left and practically the furthest away from the centre.

Finally it's time to go home and rally the troops who are conveniently placed on sun loungers around said pool. You begin to wonder if people are alive when the are like this, a drop of water on the back usually sends people into a fit of rage so it's all good.


Snap one quick picture


And board your coach driven by another Stelios at 12pm at night. Get to Rhodos airport and sit on a cramped plane for 4 and a half hours. Arrive at Glasgow Airport at 5am and make sure no one has tried to bomb it again, get outside and welcome the rain...crap.

5 things i've learnt on this holiday;

1) Every Greek person, man or woman, is called Stelios or some Variation.

2) Every British person on holiday has some tattoo somewhere and the majority of them look stupid.

3) Your feet can get burnt by walking on hot concrete for 4 hours at the water park, assholes need to lay some astro turf.

4) Being attacked by random insects that make weird noises scare the living crap out of me. I can handle armed robbers or wrestling aligators but i hate bugs.

5) Sambuca/Ouzo are the worst shots on the face of this earth.
Outlawstar said:
Looks like you had a great laugh.
Albeit swelteringly hot.
Oh well.=D

14 days and not one cloud, came back home and it was raining.

WTFDaveMustaine said:
I wouldn't like to go there. Looks pretty boring.

just a holiday with the lads and a change from home. i wouldn't go back again, it was like taking a time trip back to the 50's.
Apart from the weather, it didn't seem to have any redeeming features. This why I hate these types of holidays. You always get the typical idiotic British holiday-makers that act like the world's most uneducated and arrogant tourists. I've been to Majorca, Lanzarote and Portugal. They were (as I predicted) boring as hell, but since I was not old enough to stay at home myself, I had to go.

The trip to Florida is still the best holiday I've had. It might have been more or less the same for tourists, but at least people speak English there and there's other stuff to do besides sunbathing and getting bitten by huge ass bugs.
Maxon said:
Apart from the weather, it didn't seem to have any redeeming features. This why I hate these types of holidays. You always get the typical idiotic British holiday-makers that act like the world's most uneducated and arrogant tourists. I've been to Majorca, Lanzarote and Portugal. They were (as I predicted) boring as hell, but since I was not old enough to stay at home myself, I had to go.

The trip to Florida is still the best holiday I've had. It might have been more or less the same for tourists, but at least people speak English there and there's other stuff to do besides sunbathing and getting bitten by huge ass bugs.

Florida is still by far the best holiday i've been on, or when i went to the Alps.

We just wanted a cheap holiday in the sun, suits the bill and a place is what you make it.
Nyu said:
Florida is still by far the best holiday i've been on, or when i went to the Alps.

We just wanted a cheap holiday in the sun, suits the bill and a place is what you make it.
You're right. However, I'm just not the type to sit in the sun for long periods. I have a short attention span. :p