Following Animatsu and Anime Limited's recent announcements regarding upcoming anime releases, the distributor MVM Entertainment has revealed their first brand new license of the year: WhiteFox's Super Sonico: The Animation, which aired in Japan early last year. MVM Entertainment have confirmed plans to release the series this summer and although exact dates and formats have yet to be confirmed, MVM are hoping to release the series on both DVD and blu-ray.
Super Sonico: The Animation is a twelve episode television anime adaptation based on the mascot for NitroPlus' series of music festivals, following the media idol as she tries to balance her professional and school lives. The English dub produced by Sentai Filmworks is set to have the professional cosplayer Jessica Nigri in the title role.
Super Sonico: The Animation is a twelve episode television anime adaptation based on the mascot for NitroPlus' series of music festivals, following the media idol as she tries to balance her professional and school lives. The English dub produced by Sentai Filmworks is set to have the professional cosplayer Jessica Nigri in the title role.