More Ghost in the Shell?


Straw Hat Pirate
What do you think?

GITS Innocence

GITS:SAC 2nd Gig

Do you think after its success that there will be a forth installment of SAC? a Third film? or something completely new?

I heard that 2nd gig didnt go down too well in Japan? and to be honest i did prefer the first season...

Are you a fan? and do you want to see more?
I am a fan, But not by too much (only seen the original). So i cant really say if it deserves another film, But another OVA could be a possiblity, rather than another gig.
You havent seen SAC? Hmm i prefered it to the films.

IMO GITS:SAC is the best anime series yet produced... I highly recommend it if you liked the original film.
Hokum said:
You havent seen SAC? Hmm i prefered it to the films.

IMO GITS:SAC is the best anime series yet produced... I highly recommend it if you liked the original film.

Obviously you have seen every other anime
Obviously.. though i did say "in my opinion"... also note i didn't say ever, as that annoys the crap out of me.
2nd Gig was class, it seemed to focus more on the characters which I always enjoy. If they keep up the quailty of the writing like they have been for the first three SAC installments then I have no problems with more.

I would love a new movie as well. Innocence was miles beyond the first movie.
I'm assuming the 2nd gig did well, purely because it was such a hit in the US and Europe. That's not to say it was such a success back home though, I suppose. iirc it was shown on a 'par per view' basis rather than the normal TV broadcast or something, which may have had an influence on the numbers of viewers.

Personally I thought the 2nd gig was better than the first - as WTFDaveMustaine rightly points out, it focused more on the characters, which was a good move. I also thought that the story was more in-depth and involved than the first.

I'd like to see another OAV that follows on from SSS, although there's more room for a bigger story in a full-length series. As much as I enjoyed watching it, SSS merely seemed like a feature-length episode to me.

There's definitely room for another sequel though - you can't get enough of the Tachikomas, after all. :)
Would love another SAC movie and a new SAC series I am totally hooked on them, we can only dream that more will be made in the future
i love gits but i think they shouldnt push it more. you can only go so far when the story lines start to look and sound the same. i think it would be a real shame if they did that. its a great series.
There is are directions they could go.
How about a OVA about Batou's past in the Rangers? Or the war that all of them where in?

How about covering a different section? Section 6 for example?