Monster: The Final Chapter


Today I watched the last few episodes of Monster again. It was late the first time I watched the final episode and I wasn't particually sure how I felt about it. Now I can safely say that the ending was just very anti-climactic and pretty much stops the series going onto my top 10 list. At first I think I was forcing myself to like how it ended but I can't hide the dissapointment I feel. This is also why I won't recommend the series to anyone now.

All that tension, all that suspense, all those amazing supporting characters and we are left with more questions and an ending that lacked finality. After such a fantastic journey it's been a horrible let down.

What were everybody elses thoughts on the final episodes?
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I'm getting thru them at an alarming rate but there are still loads to go - ep 38/39 seems to be a big turnng point, where the proverrbial stuff really starts to hit the fan. I have to make room for annoying inconveniences like eating and sleeping though...

You can't beat watching it alone, in the dark. :shock:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Today I watched the last few episodes of Monster again. It was late the first time I watched the final episode and I wasn't particually sure how I felt about it. Now I can safely say that the ending was just very anti-climactic and pretty much stops the series going onto my top 10 list. At first I think I was forcing myself to like how it ended but I can't hide the dissapointment I feel. This is also why I won't recommend the series to anyone now.

All that tension, all that suspense, all those amazing supporting characters and we are left with more questions and an ending that lacked finality. After such a fantastic journey it's been a horrible let down.

What were everybody elses thoughts on the final episodes?

lol all that tension and suspense is just the best. For me personally the ending was ok as the creator wrapped up the lose ends and left Dr Tenma the choice to either save him or let him die as he intended to kill Johan as he felt a sin of reviving the Monster within him to cleverly mastermind and kill. Tenma finally chooses to save him from various factors and Johan is in a prison hopsital.I particulay liked how Johan's darkness can even reach Tenma. I was liked WTF? But it was Tenma's imagination.The finality can leave open a sequal and best yet an anime that follows the manga quite rightly so. 11/10
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SPOILERS BELOW (I can't be bothered to put the whole lot in spoiler tags)

Okay. I was *mostly* happy with the ending. Grimmer's name was cleared (I really liked his character), Dieter was happy, Lunge was on speaking terms (more or less) with his daughter, Nina's life was back on track, even Eva had overcome her problems. I think it was also fitting to see Tenma doing what he enjoyed after everything that had happened. The final moments were a bit anticlimatic in terms of action but there was an overall sense that the 'ggod guys' had got through it all and were getting on with their lives.

As for Tenma himself, I think Cell21hit the nail on the head really. He was given a choice, and decided to save the life of a monster to prevent Wim's father becoming a murderer. Furthermore he didn't let himself be dragged into Johan's storm of nihilism. Throughout the series he saves countless lives but doesn't kill anyone outright, and never lets the inner monster to take control. Inthat sense, he's won the fight.

At the end of it Tenma had the opportunity to end a life but chose not to - it says a lot about free will, even though some things are ambiguous. It's clear that Johan escapes, so it's possible that he will kill again. Onthe other hand, Tenma tells him that his mother is alive and he has a name of his own after all, so for all we know he could be a reformed character.

Any other thoughts?
At episode 73 the climax had been hit, episode 74 seemed almost unnecessary but it was kinda nice to see what the characters were doing months after. It was the very very end during the hosptial scene that killed the ending of the series for me. Sure it was a very tense moment when Tenma turned and Jhonen was sat upright int he bed but I didn't quite see why the whole "which one of us did she mean to choose" question was brought up. It left the whole ending seem rather unfinished, not just open but unfinished. It's like i'm waiting for a movie or a sequel that will never come.

Also the fact that the hospital bed he was in, there were no bars on the window, no guard at the door, nothing. I kinda expected there to be some sort of justice demanded by the people.
I don't know, maybe I missed something. I'm watching the series over again over the next couple of months, maybe i'll feel differently.
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I think the whole thing about Johan sitting up in bed was what Tenma dreamed - he was afraid that Johan would confront him about being unwanted. As it turned out, ohan just lay there unconscious, but I think that decision that Johan's mother made had a VERY important bearing on what happened afterwards.

The escape was a bit annoying for me though - I'm assuming Johan heard what Tenma told him, but it would have been interesting to see how he reacted rather than just showing him legging it out of the hospital with little obvious explanation.

I'm still thinking it all over so no doubt I'll revisit this thread in the next few hours/days and add more thoughts and interpretations to it.
Concrete badger said:
I think the whole thing about Johan sitting up in bed was what Tenma dreamed - he was afraid that Johan would confront him about being unwanted. As it turned out, ohan just lay there unconscious, but I think that decision that Johan's mother made had a VERY important bearing on what happened afterwards.
Hmm, when I think about it like that it doesn't seem as bad. I'll keep that in mind as I watch the series over again.