Momentum nab Vexille for UK release; free anime from Manga


Ghost of Animes
According to the <a href="">latest edition</a> of the 'Manga Newsletter', <a href="">Momentum Pictures</a> have licensed the CG anime '<a href="">Vexille</a>' and intend to release it in the UK, starting with a limited theatrical run on 9th May. The sci-fi/action flick, directed by Fumihiko "Ping Pong" Sori, is set in Japan, 2077 and was highly influenced by the 2004 Appleseed movie, sharing many of the same creative staff, including the English-born electronica soundtrack composer <a href="">Paul Oakenfold</a>.

Also in the newsletter, Manga Ent. confirm their plans to produce a new "anime showcase" DVD and give it away for free as a part of an exclusive promotion with nationwide HMV stores, starting on 25th February. This free DVD will contain the first two episodes of Bleach and Naruto, but can only be acquired when you buy something in an incoming HMV DVD sale.
Vexille is very much in the Appleseed vein - if you enjoyed that you should enjoy this too. Well done Momentum - I'm looking forward to seeing it on DVD (although it's the sort of film that looks best on the big screen!).
Well nice to see that Vexille will be getting released here looks good from what I have seen so will more than likely get that. As for this little promotion Manga are doing I think thats a great idea. Now if only other companys followed suit things could only get better for them.
I'm up for seeing Vexille too... I shouldn't have to keep repeating how much of a fan of "Ping Pong" I am, so I'm anxious to see the next work of its director. I'm not sure what to make of the CG anime aesthetic yet, something about it looks fairly plastic, but it seems to make for good action scenes (ala the awesome finale of the Appleseed movie).