Mnemosyne Volume 1

I was going to post something along those lines in the other thread. Another inauspicious sign is that Mnemosyne is not listed at the BBFC site, although they're sometimes slow to add entries. I do hope it is released next Monday but I won't be surprised if it isn't.
chaos said:
One thing that I don't know is if 4Digital were also using woolworth distributors, which went down and might have caused a need to replan their schedule.

Actually i think 4Digital were with pinacle who went into administration at the beginning of december, and my guess is that they have removed Mnemosyne until they have a new distributor.
Titan said:
chaos said:
One thing that I don't know is if 4Digital were also using woolworth distributors, which went down and might have caused a need to replan their schedule.

Actually i think 4Digital were with pinacle who went into administration at the beginning of december, and my guess is that they have removed Mnemosyne until they have a new distributor.
Well, guess this explains any possible delay to this title.
Titan said:
chaos said:
One thing that I don't know is if 4Digital were also using woolworth distributors, which went down and might have caused a need to replan their schedule.

Actually i think 4Digital were with pinacle who went into administration at the beginning of december, and my guess is that they have removed Mnemosyne until they have a new distributor.

You would think but that didn't stop them releasing x-cross in January
jonboy said:
Titan said:
chaos said:
One thing that I don't know is if 4Digital were also using woolworth distributors, which went down and might have caused a need to replan their schedule.

Actually i think 4Digital were with pinacle who went into administration at the beginning of december, and my guess is that they have removed Mnemosyne until they have a new distributor.

You would think but that didn't stop them releasing x-cross in January

They saw Pinnacle's demise pretty early and actually jumped ship to Lace, through which they released the Death Note films. Asia Media

And no Mnemosyne listed there either
ok i emailed 4 Digital and this was my response

Unfortunately we have not been able to agree a deal with the producers and so for now it is off the release schedule.

We hope they will make a deal with us and we can release later in the year.


That's rotten; thank you sheentaku for finding out. I wasn't sure about picking up this title but it was on my list of things to look out for so I hope it doesn't vanish forever.

It's a fun "guilty pleasure" series, but not quite something people should be <i>too</i> disappointed about missing out on for a while. Having typed that and thinking back on it, it does do a couple of nice things so perhaps I'm not being quite positive enough. But it is fairly generic in parts, too.
it may still be coming here, as i recived this email from Anime online

Dear customer

Unfortunately the DVD Mnemosyne has been withdrawn from the publisher - the title will be made available later in the year by another publisher. This order will be changed to cancelled.

Please note, your card has not been charged for this item
