Miyazaki at Venice Film Festival


Stand User
Anime Vision are reporting that Hayao Miyazaki received a "Golden Lion" award for lifetime achievement at a special ceremony at the Venice Film Festival this past Friday.

The 64 year old Miyazaki, (who has directed such anime films such as Princess Mononoke and the upcoming to the UK movie Howl's Moving Castle) was almost a no-show at the festival saying the lifetime achievement award was "something for old retired people"

More details of the ceremony can be read on "The Big Cartoon Forum" thread here.
The Tokyo-born director was almost a no-show in Venice, belittling the lifetime achievement award as "something for old retired people."
priceless! very well deserved all the same. here's hoping there will be some announcement on what he's planning next - we might have to wait for the excitement over Howl to calm down first though.
very true. he seemed more concerned about how the award raises awareness of animation in general than the significance of his own achievements: not only is he a workaholic but he's extremely modest. what a guy.
"Some young animators try to recreate what they have seen through a lens, but you should try to represent what you see with your eyes" - Miyazaki

One of the most inspirational things I have ever heard. Kudos to you, Hayao! *applaudes*