mirror edge


Stand User

I'm one of those people who can be sold with a good trailer but honestly iam really looking forward to this game(despite the generic storyline).

You play a messenger in an age were the goverment can tap digital device's the only way to send messages are via runners(enter chinesse woman).

You run over builds scale cranes using your pakour skills(free running invented by the french fries).
(anyone else get the ghost in the shell feel in there)
I remember seeing a video of this a while back (plus they've just released another one a day or 2 back)

It does look absolutely beautiful. I wouldnt have thought that they could pull of a 1st person platformer but hey it looks like they've sorted it out pretty well from the videos. Ill be sure to pick up a rental or demo of this when it comes out.

Ta for the storyline - it sounds pretty interesting but tbh with graphics like that they could have the storyline of pacman and i'd enjoying just as much.

NEVER trust reviewers!

Im going to pretend i didnt hear the GITS comment, my body cant take that large a burst of fanboy-fuelled hyperness at 1am. But yes i acknowledge the connection and will freak out in due time :D