Metal Gear Solid HD Remakes

Ihave toe cho what Stu says about backwards compatability, it's one of the reason why I'm put off buying a PS3, but I am curious how they do this, especially the first game
Stuart-says-yes said:
Re-releasing games with a simple face lift? Bad idea, wouldn't it have been much easier to make the ps 3 backwards compatible with the ps2.
Yes but that won't make Sony and Konami money now would it? And who says it's just a "face lift"? It's early days yet. They could add extra stuff for all we know.

memorium said:
Ihave toe cho what Stu says about backwards compatability, it's one of the reason why I'm put off buying a PS3, but I am curious how they do this, especially the first game
But if you have a PS2 then backwards compatibility isn't an issue, so I don't buy that excuse for not buying one
With POP and Shadow of the COlossus, it was just making the graphics crisper wasn't it? It wasn't a proper upgrade in graphics like the Perfect Dark xbox live arcade update?
Yeah, it was literally just a HD port. I like these things anyway. It's a nice way to get caught up on a franchise without too much hassle.
If the first two games are reworked to include a proper 3rd person camera (like MGS3: Subsistence and MGS4), I'm there. I really didn't enjoy the top-down perspective of the first MGS, and didn't get very far into the game because of it. MGS2 I passed over altogether.

I have my doubts it'll happen, though.
I'm not fussed by them to be honest, and this one is still just rumour and has been for a little while now.

Back to my original point, if its something I don't already own (such as the Sly Racoon games) then I may take an interest (although I don't own a PS3) or if the game has received a significant update (i.e. the rumours surrounding a Halo remake bringing the gameplay more into line with the likes of 3, ODST and Reach) but otherwise I'm not all that interested as I tend to keep hold of my consoles anyway.

But then I am one of those odd ones that will dig out my PlayStation to play PlayStation games rather than sticking it on the PS2, although recently I've been using my PSP for that as its much easier for me to play as and when I want to.
I'd love this <3 Here's to hoping they actually keep the original music though - they changed it when it was on Gamecube, that pissed me off.
Maxon said:
But if you have a PS2 then backwards compatibility isn't an issue, so I don't buy that excuse for not buying one
Yes, but my PS2 isn't going to last forever seeing as it's a crappy slim, and the point is that I would want a console that is completely backwards compatible with my PS games and I doubt I'm going to get that anytime soon
If it's actual remakes I'm going to be PISSED, this series needs to ******* end man, give me Zone of the Enders 3 instead, I'll buy TEN copies.

If it's just MGS 1, 2 & 3 in a HD collection: Oh, okay cool.
well MGS is already available to buy on the PSN, given how the gamecube was using the MGS engine, they'll probably port that instead which I honestly won't like, the voice acting and completely far fetched cutscenes ruined the remake for me.

I don't mind if 2 and 3 are just HD ports though, god of War didn't suffer for simply doing this.

memorium: does shadow of the colossus even have a framerate fix? as much as I liked the original game, it was all kinds of jerky.
Omaru_SD said:
memorium: does shadow of the colossus even have a framerate fix? as much as I liked the original game, it was all kinds of jerky.

Talk to sparrow as I haven't played the full version of SoTC
Loads of people bring up SotC's frame-rate, it was honestly something I don't ever remember experience, and if I did notice it I don't think it was half as bad as people have always made out.