Dan Mazeau recently discussed his upcoming projects, including the live-action adaptation of Tite Kubo's Bleach manga. During discussions, he explained that it was a long process to get the rights and early on, the team did sit down with Tite Kubo and the series' publishers and that the aim is to set it in Japan and to be respectful to the source material. He is also quoted as saying that he wants to avoid it being another Dragonball Evolution:
Let's wait and see.
Dan Mazeau recently discussed his upcoming projects, including the live-action adaptation of Tite Kubo's Bleach manga. During discussions, he explained that it was a long process to get the rights and early on, the team did sit down with Tite Kubo and the series' publishers and that the aim is to set it in Japan and to be respectful to the source material. He is also quoted as saying that he wants to avoid it being another Dragonball Evolution:
Nobody wants to, well… Let's just say that if you enjoyed [the live-action] Dragon Ball Z movie, that's great, but I thought it was a noble effort that ultimately didn't succeed. That's what we're trying to avoid. We want to make sure this movie lives up to what the manga is."
Let's wait and see.