MangaUK's second social media water-cooler event: K-ON! The Movie


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff
Back in August, MangaUK hosted a social media event where they asked followers on Twitter to watch&nbsp;<em>Naruto Shippuden The Movie: The Will Of Fire</em>&nbsp;simultaneously and tweet their thoughts using a hashtag. Today, MangaUK revealed that their next community water-cooler event will be at 7:30pm this Wednesday, with&nbsp;<em>K-ON! The Movie</em>, which was releases on DVD and Blu-ray this Monday using the hashtag @K_OnMovie

The event will begin at 7:30pm, taking place on both Facebook and Twitter, where a half hour discussion about things related to K-ON! will take place before MangaUK will be intructing people to press "Play" on their remotes at 8pm. Throughout the event, they will also be holding competitions, imcluding giving away the K-ON! Oyster Card holders that were exclusive to last weekend's London MCM Comic Con.

So make sure to get a warm cup of tea and a slice of cake ready for Wednesday!