MANGA UK: Naruto Shippuden: Series 1 Box Set (8 Discs)?


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MANGA UK: Naruto Shippuden: Complete Series 1 Box Set?

Naruto Shippuden: Complete Series 1 Box Set has been added to Anime Coming Soon DVD list. Looking at the 8 disc DVD count and the RRP of £59.99, it should contain the first 52 Episodes from the first 4 DVD releases. It has tentative release date of 07 March 2011.
52 episodes, you say? Rather tempting, is that.

As rubbish as Shippuden is, I'm still a Narutard, at heart, and its soundtrack is most impressive. If I can get big collections for cheap, I WILL watch it.
I think £40-ish would be a fair price, considering that's what you'd pay for an equal length TV show box-set on release.

That being said, I don't care for Naruto, so it doesn't matter to me.
52-ep boxsets instead of 26? I wasn't expecting this, i know Manga said they weren't planning on having 26-ep boxsets because the higher ups weren't too keen on it so i assumed they'd just stay as single-volume releases, so this is a nice surprise :) Not only IS there boxsets of Shippuden, but they're bigger so i can get more at once

I'll be buying this as soon as i buy all the Unleashed boxsets (i only need 7, 8 and 9, plus the last 2 movies)... even though i've played Ninja Storm 2 and Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 so i know the Shippuden story all the way up to the Invasion of Pain Arc anyway but of course neither of those can compare to the proper series :)
I think 7 is reasonably priced, and series 8 seems to be ever fluctuating (which means in about 2 months it'll have dropped to the same £16 price. for some reason I'm collecting all the filler too :(. Except Crescent moon kingdom, that was pretty much a watch once deal.

I've been putting off ultimate ninja storm 2 because I ruined some of the original series by playing Rise of a ninja and Broken Bond before I'd gotten that far in the episodes.
I gave up buying the DVDs after season 3 - because I brought one copy, fourth disc refused to play. Replaced, same problem. Cba now.

That being said; Shippuden's animation quality seems to have dropped after the Sasuke and Sai arc...