Manga to Movies Project at University of East Anglia


The Boss
University of East Anglia is running a symposium this coming Wednesday which aims to aims to refocus academic attention on the current industry, markets and texts for Japanese film.

"Very little is written in English about how new Japanese films get made. We are therefore working to produce new insights into the contemporary production, dissemination and reception of Japanese cinema in Japan and beyond. One of the clearest trends in contemporary Japanese film production is that many films form just a part of much larger media franchises, many of which begin with manga (comic book) sources. We use a wide range of sources and methods to unpack some of these franchises, examining their domestic success and transnational circulation."

More information and contact details on their <a href="">website</a>
As far as I know, it was a one off, for this particular group. But events like this keeps popping out here and there, but unfortunately, they do not promote it very well. We try to inform everyone as we know about events though.