Manga Force, a good introduction?


Completely Average High School Student

Does anyone know anything about Manga Force magazine DVD Collection ( Is it any good? I have a great love of anime and Japan in general but I’ve never really got into anime properly. I saw Manga Force and thought it maybe a good introduction to anime. I was just wondering what people thought of it and if it’s any good?

Thank you.
It's fairly good no idea what titles they are giving away now.

Ghost in the shell great into to anime i was never keen on akari but it's a good film.

Though i think they gave away some hentai titles may wanna give them a miss.
It was a good idea whn it was 2 dvd's in each mag, but when it dropped down to one dvd per mag it was cheaper to buy most of them (the dvd's) on there own from shops
Isn't there actually no content in the 'magazine' beyond a brief introduction to the title that they're bundling along with the mag?

I'd say it isn't a good introduction. Manga Entertainment have always focused on a very limited set of properties and you're unlikely to find anything particularly thought provoking or worthwhile among the later issues. I also didn't think it was possible for Manga Ent to give their DVD titles covers that were even more ugly than they'd previous managed.
kupoartist said:
I also didn't think it was possible for Manga Ent to give their DVD titles covers that were even more ugly than they'd previous managed.
The Blood cover was better though.

The magazine itself was a load of rubbish filled with information you can easily find on the internet and little more than a leaflet so you were pretty much buying it for the DVD's.

Now however the idea has been canned and everyone who was subcribed apparently got this message.

"Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to cease the publication of Manga Force DVD Collection"

So there you go.
Has it really been cancelled? I've been emailing the address on the website to ask about paying for it via cheque (I'm not giving them my card details to charge as they wish) and they still seem to think its for sale.......all those their English wasn't very good and they didn't really answer the questions I asked so.....
Personally i'd leave it. You can pick up the DVD's they have in the mag dirt cheap as it is anyway.
Thanks for the advice. I had a feeling this was the case. Could anyone maybe Recommend some good animé to start with. Ive only ever watched a few (mainly of poor quality dubbing) or when I was a bit younger (Pokemon, DBZ, cardcaptors ect..). I'm also interested in getting into animé which haven't come to the west yet. I'm no stranger to subtitles.

Also what are some good websites to get the best deals on animé?
west-scott said:
Thanks for the advice. I had a feeling this was the case. Could anyone maybe Recommend some good animé to start with. Ive only ever watched a few (mainly of poor quality dubbing) or when I was a bit younger (Pokemon, DBZ, cardcaptors ect..). I'm also interested in getting into animé which haven't come to the west yet. I'm no stranger to subtitles.

Also what are some good websites to get the best deals on animé?

I would recomend Air Gear and Probably Full metal Panic two great anime. A good place to buy anime
west-scott said:
Could anyone maybe Recommend some good animé to start with.
Another guy who seems to have had a similar start to you posted this thread. If you feel you have slightly different tastes, tell us and we'll see if we can't recommend something more appropriate :)
west-scott said:
I'm also interested in getting into animé which haven't come to the west yet.
We can't really talk about the ins and outs of obtaining unlicensed properties, since it's a grey area in legality terms... though a lot of the stuff popular in discussions around this forum clearly hasn't been purchased in any way or form :p
west-scott said:
Also what are some good websites to get the best deals on animé?
The three I regularly use are: especially seems to be selling some nice titles for cheap at the moment.
Cool thanks, I'll see how i get on. I already use Amazon, and play I just wondered if there where any others about which where more animé based and at cheap prices.

lol when I say non-western I mean buying Japanese versions. I read about one of wikipedia called 'Strawberry Panic!' seems like something I would like. It appears to be Japanese only right now.
west-scott said:
lol when I say non-western I mean buying Japanese versions. I read about one of wikipedia called 'Strawberry Panic!' seems like something I would like. It appears to be Japanese only right now.
However, you also mentioned subtitles, and you'll be out of luck: very few Japanese Region 2 DVDs come with English subtitles. A few do (including most of the Ghibli movies I believe), but most do not, so they ultimately get filtered through the anime community via fan-made efforts.
west-scott said:
I saw a website called who appear to sell Japanese animé DVDs which all come with English subs.....and there collection seems very large.
They're also illegal bootlegs of lesser quality than official releases and fund organised crime.
If you want cheap then you might as well download the series' you want, at least that way you're not paying money to anyone, and you're not funding organised crime. But if you actually want to see anime continue to be released here, and in fact drive down prices due to competition and good sales, then buy the DVDs.