Manga Ent's new licenses announced at Comicon...

The second Berserk Movie is aimed for a late October release, Hellsing Ultimates extras where confirmed, which includes commentaries, sub only OVA and a VA round table. There is more, but i don't know which. And the last thing i remember from it was that they where discussing with Toei about Dragonball Z and One Piece Movies, with Strong World in particular.
Just listened to it!

Ah, so the possible K-ON! oyster card holders are looking to be a London Comic Con exclusive thing? (Websites mentioning it failed to mention that bit). London Comic Con will be my first...if they are available, I so hope I can get one. I'd value it more than my London 2012 oyster card. If they do happen and I can't get one, I'll be like:
I've listen it once it popped the notification on twitter eheh It was nice. I dont mind paying a little more so that we have some nice packagings/artboxes. Regarding more discs with less episodes to improve quality... I cant really complain about quality over the latest releases, i think they are good for dvds nowadays. It would depend on the final price.
Arbalest said:
The second Berserk Movie is aimed for a late October release, Hellsing Ultimates extras where confirmed, which includes commentaries, sub only OVA and a VA round table. There is more, but i don't know which. And the last thing i remember from it was that they where discussing with Toei about Dragonball Z and One Piece Movies, with Strong World in particular.

Thanks for the info, at least we will not have to wait all the way around to December for the second Berserk movie.
I don't live in London (Cambridge) but my older brother does, so I do tend to go up there and see him. Personally, I'd prefer if it was instead used as a physical extra for the DVD/BD release (or at least, just the blu-ray), but if O-cards are too costly for most releases, I'm not sure if an oyster card holder for even first print run of a blu-ray release would be?

If it does go ahead and they are made available at Comic Con, I will so pay Jeremy or whoever will be running the MangaUK booth double the cost if they keep one aside for me...*is actually serious too.*
So... Appleseed XIII. Very much on the fence for this one. I would like to see it, I'm always up for another Shirow adaptation and am not entirely against CGI in principle, but compared to Ex Machina (which is possibly unfair, but also an inevitable comparison) and even the 2004 film, XIII really does look more like a computer game. Watching clips gives me flashbacks to Tank SWAT 01 I really don't want.