Anime auteur Makoto Shinkai has turned his unique visual talents to a TV advertising campaign, having recently produced two animated TV commercials for the Shinano Mainichi Shinbun (Japanese newspaper). Stream [<a href="">1</a>][<a href="">2</a>]
Shinkai is the popular creative force behind several nostalgic-sci-fi anime films, including both Voices of the Distant Star and The Places Promised.... His most recent movie was "5 Centimeters per Second", a romantic drama released in Japan during 2007 that has already been licensed for Western release (US and presumably, UK too) by ADV Films.
Shinkai is the popular creative force behind several nostalgic-sci-fi anime films, including both Voices of the Distant Star and The Places Promised.... His most recent movie was "5 Centimeters per Second", a romantic drama released in Japan during 2007 that has already been licensed for Western release (US and presumably, UK too) by ADV Films.