Mako desu!! Hajimemashite!! ^^


Completely Average High School Student
Hey there!

I've just recently moved to UK (London) and don't know anyone here so I'm looking for nice friends with similar interests ^^

Cause nothing is better than bunch of jap-freaks to make your day xD

I need ppl to go crazy and be myself with!!

To fawn over animated chars and not getting wierd looks for that ^____^

I'm 24yo, love j-music (mostly j-pop) & j-doramas, am total fangirl, adore cosplayers, bishounens and yaoi xDD

I'm addicted to fanfiction & fanart, draw a bit myself *^^*

Show me how British animaniacs have fun!!!!!!
Hello! Where were you before coming to the UK? We have a few people on this forum who have been through similar moves.

Good to have another female here (there are a few...). Feel free to dive right in with existing topics and get comfortable!

thank you ^^

I'm from Poland. Miss my friends terribly ;__; Right now I live with a bunch of 'normal' ppl who are simply TOO normal for me _^_

hope we can get along xD
I've never met an anime fan from Poland! What's the fandom like over there?

From your interests it sounds as though you'll love the London Expo events we have over here occasionally. Lots of cosplay and socialising. Most of them are for movie/game/sci-fi fans as well as anime fans but the anime groups drown out almost everyone else! There was a central London Anime Club but that's now shut down - the committee who set it up was thinking of running some irregular events though in future.

If you're into art I'd recommend seeking out Sweatdrop Studios. They're a UK collective who often have stalls at events and draw their own comics. A few of the members are becoming quite successful now after all their hard work and at least one members occasionally blesses us with her latest artwork in the Creative forum here.

And for general chat and meeting other UK fans, you could do a lot worse than hang around here ;)


Well, fadom in Poland is pretty much the same but smaller I guess... There is a lot less m&a releases, conventions are great, everyone knows each other xD But cosplays are not as popular as here.
I've been to MCM Expo once and it was WOW!!! So many ppl & so many cosplayers <3333 & so many stars!! I mean at least from the sci-fi side (I didn't mind cause I am a bit into that as well ^^)

And what do you mean that I could do worse? xD
Hi and weclome to the forum, i look forward to seeing your drawings if you don't mind sharing them :) . I draw a bit myself but i'm not that good...
Hello BlackWolf ^^ I just posted some in the art section xD

not too many cause I'll have to scan my older ones, since I only recently discovered photoshop _^_
Show me how British animaniacs have fun!!!!!!

We have fun be posting messages on not-so-active anime forums. We also like actually talking about anime every week or so.


Nationality guessing: close, I was going to say Germany.

I hope you stay as you seem like a semi-interesting person. And you just might be the first female to post on this forum.
Aion said:
I hope you stay as you seem like a semi-interesting person. And you just might be the first female to post on this forum.

Hey ;) I know you have doubts about me, but there are definitely a few others!

Trigunette is surely female and there are a couple of others who have mentioned BL fandom and other feminine pursuits quietly. Oh, and Mangagirls/Sonia/Sarah. They're quiet but they exist.

Rui said:
Aion said:
I hope you stay as you seem like a semi-interesting person. And you just might be the first female to post on this forum.

Hey ;) I know you have doubts about me, but there are definitely a few others!

Trigunette is surely female and there are a couple of others who have mentioned BL fandom and other feminine pursuits quietly. Oh, and Mangagirls/Sonia/Sarah. They're quiet but they exist.


If i may interject i know there are other females then the ones you mentioned, Mononoke and Panda_Z to name a few. They are girls as well
BlackWolf said:
If i may interject i know there are other females then the ones you mentioned, Mononoke and Panda_Z to name a few. They are girls as well

I'm sure there are a few more too. Some don't like people knowing and some I probably just forgot (oops) :)

thank you ^^

well, I noticed that most of ppl take me as a German anyway... say it's cause of the accent _^_ I hate my accent >_>

And I don't think it's THAT important whether there are or aren't many girls here :p

sides, more boys, more fanservice nyahahaha~~ *joking* xDDD

And don't reveal where in London you live or you might catch the attention of our South American correspondent (stalker) Chaos. :wink:

Actually he is quite a cool guy and sooner or later when I am down that way I ought to meet up.
Howdy hi hi, and welcome to the forums.

I've not really spoken to many outwith the UK, but the few i have generally seem to be good to talk to anyways. I don't actually know many events for anime, since i've only ever been to the London Expo, and getting there from here ain't that cheap anyways.

Also, i'm sure you're still missing a few girls whom are on the forums, but hey there we go.
Hello and welcome !

You like Slam dunk and Junni Kokki!!! Did you have a chance to see Vagabond from the same mangaka that wrote / draw Slam Dunk? It's the most amazing samurai manga I've ever seen!!!

Junni Kokki is my favourite anime of all times!!! Too bad it never had a proper end.

Rui said:
Hello! Where were you before coming to the UK? We have a few people on this forum who have been through similar moves.
I believe she is talking about me.

Dracos said:
And don't reveal where in London you live or you might catch the attention of our South American correspondent (stalker) Chaos. :wink:
I know he is talking about me =P

Dracos said:
Actually he is quite a cool guy and sooner or later when I am down that way I ought to meet up.
Thanks mate, it would be great to meet you as well.

On the topic of meetups, there will be some anime screening at Barbican. I'll be going for Dororo and if I'm still alive after the Dir en grey gig, I might go for Black jack as well. If you're interested we can arrange a meet up =)
Hi Sagasi-sama! Nice to meet ya to.

Normality isn't necessarily accountable in this forums, however, I doubt it'll be uncomforable for ya. Seen your drawing, and they're pretty sweet. :)

So if you wanna go crazy, GO NUTZ!!!! :p We've got a good number of "different" people.
Have fun!
Hallo thar!

Welcome to the forums misses. I also enjoy drawing but haven't done much in the digital area. A pencil man myself. You can see some of my mouse drawings in my thread in that forum too. Saving for a tablet at the moment so I can take my drawings digital... drawing with a mouse is too hard.

See you around :p

*goes to check out sagasimon work*