Madoka Magica - 22nd October DVD & BD


Stand User
Manga have officially announced their release plan for Madoka Magica.

From the Twitter account:
I'm happy to confirm we will release Madoka Magica onw 3 disc DVD and Blu-ray on 22-Oct. DVD is £29.99 RRP and BD is £39.99.
Madoka Magica box sets won't be avail 2 pre-order until start of July. Thanks for your patience.

Good news for anyone who hasn't already imported the various limited editions!
Dannielle said:
Darn ..beaten!

If the BD RRP is 39.99 ..any rough estimation on what Amazon will have it at?

My guess is between £24.99 and £29.99. As AoL's preorders always knock 25% off the RRP, then Amazon will most likely be lower that £29.99.

I have Aniplex USA's third LE set on pre-order at UP1, but I will still buy this for casual watchings.
And of course Jerome bitches at his customers about a potential set of people going "£40 is a bit much" (Which it isn't IMHO but if you draw attention to your self well, you're only setting yourself up for it, aren't you?)
Jerome has a point though. To import all of the LE Aniplex sets, it's cost me £210. Just to order one regular BD volume would cost me £30-40.
Someone did actually pipe up with a "dat's expensive derp" comment, which is what prompted Jerome to write the "if anyone else..." tweet.

To put things into perspective, the three barebones Aniplex USA Blu-rays are $40 EACH from Right Stuf. Even without shipping or customs that's about £75 for the entire series. To put things even more into perspective, the Samurai Girls Blu-ray has a retail price of £45 - a fiver more than Madoka. Ell oh ell.
I'll probably just get it to see what the fuss is about.

Whether I get it for the current date depends mainly on Manga.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Someone did actually pipe up with a "dat's expensive derp" comment, which is what prompted Jerome to write the "if anyone else..." tweet.
Yeah, the solution to that is growing a thicker skin. Not to be a whiny bitch.

All being a whiny bitch serves is to make you look like an idiot (been there done that) and tempts me to starkly repeat the comments (thoguh I'm totaly cool with the RRP being £40 as it generaly means I'll be getting it for 35-30 some) to piss him off.

Like I've said before, it's a wonder he's still working with Manga with his behaviour.
Lawrence said:
Because the BD release that Bandai wanted would have been unsustainable and FMA would financially ruin Manga.

The way they're doing it allows for corners to be cut, since it's a boxset and is more likely to encourage buyers.

how is a blu ray boxset unsustainable?

they're doing it for madoka aren't they?
but there isn't demand because everyone bought the bluray from Bandai cause there wasn't one in the UK

it's a vicious circle that isn't going to get broken. I can honestly see people buying the blurays of Madoka for example from the US IF Manga didn't release it as only a boxset.

I just don't get Manga's thinking sometimes. If ur worried bout singles sales, just sell as a boxset.
Lawrence said:
But the price of a box set might not cover the cost of the license, that and the licensor might not be pleased about a straight to box set release.

bandai aren't in the position to be picky though are they ;)
Ryo Chan said:
not sure what it's got to justify a blu ray over k-on and FMA, but lets see where this goes
With K-ON!, the DVDs had already been released and sold pretty poorly, so the higher ups didn't consider the costs for authoring the BD discs worth it. Sure, we could say many people didn't buy the singles because they were holding out for the BD boxset (and it might be true in a large number of cases), however, the fact of the matter is that K-ON! didn't sell well enough to justify the cost of a blu-ray rerelease here.

MangaUK didn't release K-ON! on blu-ray at the same time as the DVD singles because they didn't think that 3/4 episodes per release on blu-ray would be viable. They have shown that they have learned from that with Madoka, by waiting until they could release it all at once on blu-ray.

With FMA, the first BDs didn't sell very well at launch, so why would they rerelease a product that didn't sell well the first time again?

Ryo Chan said:
Lawrence said:
But the price of a box set might not cover the cost of the license, that and the licensor might not be pleased about a straight to box set release.

bandai aren't in the position to be picky though are they ;)
Considering the juggernaut K-ON! is in Japan, I'd imagine that Kyoto Animation however, are very picky.
Joshawott said:
Ryo Chan said:
not sure what it's got to justify a blu ray over k-on and FMA, but lets see where this goes
With K-ON!, the DVDs had already been released and sold pretty poorly, so the higher ups didn't consider the costs for authoring the BD discs worth it. Sure, we could say many people didn't buy the singles because they were holding out for the BD boxset (and it might be true in a large number of cases), however, the fact of the matter is that K-ON! didn't sell well enough to justify the cost of a blu-ray rerelease here.

MangaUK didn't release K-ON! on blu-ray at the same time as the DVD singles because they didn't think that 3/4 episodes per release on blu-ray would be viable. They have shown that they have learned from that with Madoka, by waiting until they could release it all at once on blu-ray.

With FMA, the first BDs didn't sell very well at launch, so why would they rerelease a product that didn't sell well the first time again?

no one's denying that releasing k-on single's as blurays is suicide, even i was hard pushed to buy them. But why announce things if you have any doubt u'd be able to?

FMA i'll give them the benefit, it was testing unknown waters, but haven't atleast 2 more blurays been "announced" then cancelled since?
Ryo Chan said:
Joshawott said:
Ryo Chan said:
not sure what it's got to justify a blu ray over k-on and FMA, but lets see where this goes
With K-ON!, the DVDs had already been released and sold pretty poorly, so the higher ups didn't consider the costs for authoring the BD discs worth it. Sure, we could say many people didn't buy the singles because they were holding out for the BD boxset (and it might be true in a large number of cases), however, the fact of the matter is that K-ON! didn't sell well enough to justify the cost of a blu-ray rerelease here.

MangaUK didn't release K-ON! on blu-ray at the same time as the DVD singles because they didn't think that 3/4 episodes per release on blu-ray would be viable. They have shown that they have learned from that with Madoka, by waiting until they could release it all at once on blu-ray.

With FMA, the first BDs didn't sell very well at launch, so why would they rerelease a product that didn't sell well the first time again?

no one's denying that releasing k-on single's as blurays is suicide, even i was hard pushed to buy them. But why announce things if you have any doubt u'd be able to?

FMA i'll give them the benefit, it was testing unknown waters, but haven't atleast 2 more blurays been "announced" then cancelled since?

I agree that they shouldn't have announced that a blu-ray boxset would be released - especially as it obviously hit the sales of the DVD singles.

The only blu-rays that I can recall being cancelled mid-release XAM'D and Casshern Sins - since then, they have just steered clear away from any blu-rays that aren't a single release (such as movies or 12/13 episode series'). Other than that, there was The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, which along with K-ON!, wasn't seen as financially viable. I imagine the reason for Haruhi was that it was a re-release of a recently released title. With Haruhi though, they shouldn't have announced that it would be rereleased.

It does seem like they are learning from that rough period though. For example, despite being short series' Squid Girl and The World God Only Knows are probably DVD due to their limited appeal (Didn't MangaUK even have to be convinced to license Squid Girl in the first place?).