To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Lupin III franchise they are releasing an OAV titled Green VS Red which features both Lupin in his Red jacket and a doppelganger wearing his old Green jacket from the first TV series.
I don't really know anything about what the plot is but I do know that I'm really excited about seeing it. I just hope it's a better production than the terrible Return of Pycal OAV which celebrated the 30th anniversary of the anime franchise. It's out in April and here's some screenshots.
If these images are anything to go by it looks like this is going to be a darker and more serious take on the series. I look forward to it immensely!
I don't really know anything about what the plot is but I do know that I'm really excited about seeing it. I just hope it's a better production than the terrible Return of Pycal OAV which celebrated the 30th anniversary of the anime franchise. It's out in April and here's some screenshots.
If these images are anything to go by it looks like this is going to be a darker and more serious take on the series. I look forward to it immensely!