

Hi everyone, i don't normally post in this section much but i was wondering as lots of you seem to be big Movie and TV lovers i was wondering how many of you are on lovefilm? I've been a member now for about a year and its think its a brilliant service although lots of people moan about not getting all the new releases, i tend to use it to find lots of obscure and interesting titles that i Wouldn't normally buy.

Anyway here's my profile, feel free to post yours so i can also snoop around your lists ;)
I'm waiting for Netflix to start over here then I'll be all over that ****. I hope it starts over here, it owns LoveFilm in so many ways.
Jayme said:
I'm waiting for Netflix to start over here then I'll be all over that ****. I hope it starts over here, it owns LoveFilm in so many ways.

Is there any news of them bringing netflix here? Lovefilm seem to be the dominant rental force here so i doubt they would want to challenge something thats been established for so long. But it would be nice to see streaming on 360 and the windows phone...
This is the last I heard. I'm also waiting for Hulu to come a knocking, but from the looks of it, our YouTube has become a pretty hip place for TV Shows to go.