Live action Negima! in the works, according to Ken Akamatsu


Ghost of Animes
<p>Much to his own delight, anime-harem master Ken (Love Hina) Akamatsu has <a href="">recently announced</a> that <em>Negima</em>! will be getting a live action adaptation (presumably TV series) in his native Japan! The author has specifically expressed his overwhelming delight at casting 30+ "3D" girls; the series (and anime of which is currently being released in the UK by Revelation Films) is notorious for its extraordinarily large cast of female characters.</p>
As long as its well done I'd be happy to see it, but as it'd have to be a young cast I am somehow having fears of Sailor Moon
I'm fearing the whole issue with lolicon... 16 y.o. girls after a poor kid? Only be practiced in manga! Otherwise it may traumatise the poor kid... XD
Ryo Chan said:
plz don't let it be as bad as the live sailormoon XD
Pretty Guardian wasn't that bad. Ok, it's no Kamen Rider 555 but it had to it's own. It was certanly a decnt take on the mythos anyway.
I hope that the buget is good in this show. I don't want it to be like that dragonball live action movie. Hopefully chamo the ermine wont be a stuff doll and negi will be a 10 year old welsh boy who can speek fluent japanese which I doubt. I wonder how they will deal with the pactio this time round. I also want to know how are they going to find the right people to play each cast too.
Conan-san said:
Ryo Chan said:
plz don't let it be as bad as the live sailormoon XD
Pretty Guardian wasn't that bad. Ok, it's no Kamen Rider 555 but it had to it's own. It was certanly a decnt take on the mythos anyway.

Yea PGSM Was alright. The specials were alright too. It was defenatly better than the Power Rangers that doesn't know when to quit

Hopefully they make the series good & not cut much fan service out
i think sometimes its a big mistake to make live actions of anime, because anime you are unlimited to what the characters can do in live action its a diffrent story. lol.
anyway id like to see it when its done see how lookalike the characters in the live action are to the anime.
currently waiting for the latest manga negima volume to get on the shelf at my local comic book store, cnt wait.
Fff-fff-fff-fff-feaky.... It's just.... to wierd...
It's like the Nazi's of dark-haired girls... nothing like the manga.
I have no doubt that it's going to be awful. From what i've seen of Japanese live action they don't usually get it right and a lot of the time turns out just being cheesy.
Chaz said:
Fff-fff-fff-fff-feaky.... It's just.... to wierd...
It's like the Nazi's of dark-haired girls... nothing like the manga.

I'm dreading what Negi will look like..... I wonder if they'll actually get a westerner to play him or weather it'll be a Japanese actor.
Plus they seam to have disregarded the fact Sayo is a Ghost and Chachamaru is a robot, this is going to be bad. :(

Its a shame as the Negima manga and both the anime series are some of my favourite anime/manga series out there :roll:
Sakimori said:
I'm dreading what Negi will look like..... I wonder if they'll actually get a westerner to play him or weather it'll be a Japanese actor.
Plus they seam to have disregarded the fact Sayo is a Ghost and Chachamaru is a robot, this is going to be bad. :(

Its a shame as the Negima manga and both the anime series are some of my favourite anime/manga series out there :roll:
*Nods* Totally agree with you.
So let's not get bummed down about this Live action crap... Support Akumatsu in the true Otaku fashion... But buying all his Anime/manga!
(Ok, I didn't buy Love Hina because after watching the subs, I just couldn't....)
I think they have done the best they can, but i don't know if it will do the manga justice or not. I mean, the twins aren't even twins! bu t that would be too picky. The hairstyles are similar but they lack some of the distinguishing features that each of the girls had.

I'm guessing it's just going to be an adaptation, whether or not it will be a good one is anyones guess. I won't shoot it down now because i haven't seen it. I doubt they will get a westerner to play Negi, finding a 10 year old westerner that speaks fluent Japanese is just asking too much. If they do it though hats off to them.