Limited edition manga?


Completely Average High School Student
I was wondering what you guys consider to be collectible manga? Other than the 3d items is there such a thing as collectible manga or is it all collectible as dvds are collectibles? E.g. the first ever spiderman comic never opened!! is a collectible in my mind but what is the manga equivalent?
Manga is generally mass-produced, so is rarely collectable in the sense that if you lock it up for ten years it'll be worth thousands. There are very occasionally special editions of certain volumes of manga, such as the FMA manga being boxed-in with an action figure, or the latest Naruto volumes having free stickers, but nothing really that will be worth something in a few years.
Last 3 issues of Those Who Hunt Elves (volumes 8, 9 and 10) would consider them collectable as have been try to track them down for over a year now
I suppose there are some really old series published in the West in the 90s, such as Urusei Yatsura, that are out of print and are considered collectable. But you'll only really have a need to hunt them out if you begin to develop more obscure tastes. I forgot to mention them!

Speaking of Urusei Yatsura, I always wondered why Viz never republished the series (properly). I mean, they made enough money out of Ranma and Inuyasha, you'd think they'd want to milk the Takahashi cow for a bit longer.
yea but that boxset will cost a bomb 27 volumes at roughly £5 each is £135 but if theres a very limited edition case it could get as much as £150