

And yet more noob threads from myself...

My girlfriend is a graphic designer and when she found out I liked manga, she started banging on about this stuff called Letraset. I had no idea what she meant by it, until she bought me some to have a go with yesterday.

I fancy having a go at a peice of art, as I haven't done so in years. And knowing me, it would have to be Japanese style. But what the hell do I do with it?? Also, what are these funky colouring pens I saw at the London Expo? And why are they so expensive? I think I need pointing to an manga/anime art forum or something to pick up some help.

Any pointers from you creative-type AUK'ers, would be much appreciated.


I think you may want to talk to the folks on the Sweatdrop Studios forums (should be findable with Google easily enough). They're local to the UK and will eagerly snap you up and point you in the right direction for which tools of the trade you might enjoy.

What might be fun is finding an art contest (they're quite common, and again I'm sure Sweatdrop known of a few) and drawing a picture on that theme to force yourself to finish something. Even if you don't win anything or even send it off, I find goals keep me focused and stretch me more than drawing the same stuff over and over as I tend to do when left alone.

Hi Rui, thanks very much. I'll go take a look at their website. I've not really done any art in years but all of a sudden I've had a real yearning to give it another try.

