Lack of Anime on TV aimed at Females


Stand User
Yeah, this keep bugging me. When we get a new anime on TV, It is either aimed at Kids, or aimed at Male Adults with high amount of blood or something.

FMA was a exception, aimed at both Men and Women in my opinion.

But why are there hardly anime Anime aimed at women, it bugs me, and I'm a guy complaining about it.

They can't keep aiming Anime at the Male market all the time, they should try aiming it at women as well.

And just because I get a Usual debate from all of you saying " It will put off the men".

I say "SCREW MEN AND THEIR SO CALLED MANLY SHOWS". Give Women Audience a chance of seeing anime.

Not everyone can buy Anime DVDs all the time
I think we should continue complaining about the amount of anime on TV before we start complaining about the amount of a certain type of anime on TV.
Chrono Demon said:
Yeah, this keep bugging me. When we get a new anime on TV, It is either aimed at Kids, or aimed at Male Adults with high amount of blood or something.

FMA was a exception, aimed at both Men and Women in my opinion.

But why are there hardly anime Anime aimed at women, it bugs me, and I'm a guy complaining about it.

They can't keep aiming Anime at the Male market all the time, they should try aiming it at women as well.

And just because I get a Usual debate from all of you saying " It will put off the men".

I say "SCREW MEN AND THEIR SO CALLED MANLY SHOWS". Give Women Audience a chance of seeing anime.

Not everyone can buy Anime DVDs all the time
FMA is a shounen series, which (apparently) has some appeal to women. Frankly more than 75% of anime produced is for boys and 90% of that which is actually distributed outside of Japan is aimed at boys and a small subset of that is what appears on TV. Simply put the odds are heavily stacked against shoujo stuff getting on TV. Added to that is that shoujo does not sell at all well in this country, which makes it an even less enticing proposition for TV companies than anime which itself is low down on their lists of shows to air. The driving factor for all of this is the market, which in all cases is primarily boys.

If you look at it in those terms it isn't particularly surprising.
Chrono Demon said:
Yeah, this keep bugging me. When we get a new anime on TV, It is either aimed at Kids, or aimed at Male Adults with high amount of blood or something.

FMA was a exception, aimed at both Men and Women in my opinion.

But why are there hardly anime Anime aimed at women, it bugs me, and I'm a guy complaining about it.

They can't keep aiming Anime at the Male market all the time, they should try aiming it at women as well.
True. I mean, Fruits Basket is aimed at girls, but me and Ryo loved it. And I bet loads of guys watch it too.

They should be a lot more flexable with manga/anime. I mean, as long as the story is good, it should entertain both and there wouldn't be a problem anyways. But not all manga-ka/animators are "Best sellers" so they'll always be aimed groups.

Also, it seems that more people are riding a band-wagon that involves "Political/social correctness". I would guess that in the 1990's (especially early 90's), all anime/manga would focus on stories that are pure male/female relationships. Now, it seems like a "law" is there for manga-ka to include homo/bi-sexual relationships. I feel that is milking something that has been now recognised as equal to all, and now the authors/animators are adding it to every story.
(By the way, for those who misjudge this as a rant at non-hetros, I'm in full support of gay/lesbian relationship.)

Overall, there should be a better spread of stories and the people they aim for. Spamming the same stories becomes tedious after a bit.
Chrono Demon said:
I say "SCREW MEN AND THEIR SO CALLED MANLY SHOWS". Give Women Audience a chance of seeing anime.

So you want shows about flower arranging and Pony's?

Before i get crusafied for that coment, I was only joking, my girlfriend loved the show Ichigo Mashimero, infact its the only anime I've ever managed to get her to watch as it had cute characters in it.
The situation in Japan is more or less the same anyway, and the majority of Shojo shows that do make it to TV get significantly lower budgets. Sometimes, they make me wonder why they bothered 'animating' them in the first place, since you'll get 20 minutes of cuts between less-detailed, completely static colour cels and constantly reused five frame walking cycles. True, many Shojo shows don't have a lot of action, but they still deserve better treatment than they often get, and they're simply too tough to get on TV. The kind of stuff treated in most Shojo can and IS shown in domestic Live Action products. Frankly, only a small set of anime fans are going to watch shojo anime on TV. It's a niche of a niche.

But then, i'd far rather watch a show that doesn't specify a target audience along gender lines. It seems to me that shows that claim to be 'for boys' or 'for girls' just play a little immature, just like being too bothered about whether something is 'for girls' or 'for boys' is something that older people seem less hung-up on.
I know it’s already been said but while there is next to no anime on television anyway (and what there is of it is on obscure channels), this discussion is virtually pointless.

Besides, there are plenty of girls on here (at least I think they’re girls) who list series like Gungrave and FMP amongst their favourites.

But just to undermine anything I’ve just said, what exactly are ‘girl’s shows’? Are we talking things like Full Moon Wo Sagashite? If so, surely for the future health of anime in this country we need to concentrate on broader appeal shows even if they are regarded as male targeted.

And another thing, if my interpretation of ‘girl’s shows’ is even nearly right, aren’t programmes like Hannah Montana saturating that market anyway? One of the great things about anime is that no one could ever make a live action series of things like FMA or Eureka Seven without them being totally naff. So that’s where anime comes into it’s own.

I think I’ve made a point in there, somewhere.
I like both anime aimed at the female and male audiences (guy here, in case you didn't already know), but to be honest I steer away from heavily actioned-drenched anime, which does seem to be about all we get over here on TV, bar kid's stuff. The problem doesn't lie so much with the lack of any particular type of anime on British TV, as has been said lots by people already, but rather the sheer lack of it altogether.

With more of anything, variety will come. Indeed, if anime were ever to become "mainstream" as I suppose you could argue it is in Japan, this thread's topic would stand as a valid problem. In the light of the fact though that not even video games are considered "mainstream" in this country yet coupled with the fact that it seems the only publicity anime gets includes the terms "porn", "murder" and "underage", I can't see anime getting to that stage. This is very unfortunate, because it means my favourite anime will never even be considered by TV directors, but if what is said in the other thread about SONY's dedicated anime TV channel gets realised there may be hope yet.

..I hope.
These days I'm finding I actually enjoy josei anime (like Honey & Clover and Hataraki Man) a lot more than the typical generic shonen action fest. Often josei is 100% character driven drama, relying on whimsical, relatable situations concerning life, love and friendship - but without the vomit-inducing sweetness found in the typical shojo story. I do think there is potential for this kind of anime in the UK, but since it targets adults, it really needs to be on TV first. Animax, I'm looking in your direction.
My I would like that it was more anime with girls of protagonists.

I would like that they were extracting histories in that the protagonist was not masculine. My I would like to see more girls in encourage masculine of those who exist.

And that is not for adults. I would like to see more women Fihtnings in the Anime.
As a girl,it really doesnt bother me.I dont like an anime because its aimed at females or not,i like it because its of some interest to me.And thats pretty much the end of it for me really.I like what i like :?
As a girl,it really doesnt bother me.I dont like an anime because its aimed at females or not,i like it because its of some interest to me.And thats pretty much the end of it for me really.I like what i like :?

Ditto, if I am into a series i couldn't care less who its aimed at
I wouldn't say most is aimed at males, I don't see why girls wouldn't like the same things.

Having said that I don't know any girls who like animé so my argument is kind of flawed there :p
Gormond said:
I wouldn't say most is aimed at males, I don't see why girls wouldn't like the same things.

Having said that I don't know any girls who like animé so my argument is kind of flawed there :p
Your avatar represents one (or rather, two) further flaws :p