Kyle XY


Completely Average High School Student
Any one been watching this?

i think its quite good. its about a guy who is bio-genetically created or something and he has to learn how to live in modern day society. etc etc...

Whats everyone think of it, if they have been watching...
I saw the advert on Trouble ages ago, I looked at the synopsis and missed the first episode. I couldn't be bothered with it after.

It appears to be like that Jake 2.0 thing that was on Sky One all them years ago.
Yeah your right, its similar but then again it does have its differences and i did like Jake 2.0 ... i wonder what happened to that?
I have watched one or two episodes but couldn't get into it, something about the all american clean cut main character really got on my nerves, why does no one with powers ever use them for there own personal gain like a normal person would