Kurau: Phantom Memory


Stand User
Was browsing through some anime in Borders and spotted Vol 1 of this.

Watched the trailer last night and thought it looked good, I was just wondering if anyone had seen it and if so what did you think?
I have only seen the first episode from the free dvd from Neo and I found that it was quite a good series just from the first episode
i saw all but one epsiode when it was broadcast on anime network uk(*drifts off*back in the good old days when we had 2 anime channels...)
i thought it was pretty cool, quite a decent amount of action,drama and plot.
I'll link the old review I wrote out of laziness but yeah, it's shaping up to be really quite good - one that probably falls under the category of 'sleeper hit'. Definitely one of ADV's better licences, and deservedly back on their schedule.
Meh, seen the frist few episodes but easily got bored and I thought the story line sucked. If it's just there when you've got nothing else to do, then go forth. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother.
I only ever watched the first episode, but it was harrowing stuff for me. It poses plenty of very deep questions about what really happened. It was good, but I never followed up on it. Should do at some point :wink:
Been following this one since Amecon last year (even got Monica Rial to sign the cover) and while good it does jump around an awful lot which throws the pacing off quite a bit. Curious how they are going to wrap it up though. Have heard mutterings that it doesn't end as expected but not in a bad way. :? :roll:
Am waiting for the cheapo box set which comes out on a month or so. Not heard too much about it, but I like jumping into a show on the blind every now and then. 8)
I only watched episode one of this anime but it looks really intresting I heard recenly that a full series box set will come out sometime this year, I'll get that for sure.