Kinect Star Wars, this generations ET?

Invisible Crane

Okay so I'm watching videos of the Galactic Dance Off mode of KSW and almost all the comments are either people saying how the mode "raped their childhood" (then again that's nothing new, we've been hearing that since Phantom Menace came out) or how it's the worst thing they've ever seen. However one comment I came across basically said something along the lines of "this game will cause the next video game crash"...because of Galactic Dance Off?!?...I know gamers these days are a fickle bunch who are never happy with anything that comes out these days but come on!, is this so bad people are gonna think it's gonna cause another downfall of gaming altogether?
Firstly, the ET game you refer to was bad for different reasons; it was poorly made. KSW is a well made game, just one that breaks every SW taboo. Not a game for SW fans, but an SW game for Kinect fans.
Definitely not ET. It's been getting 5/10s minimum in most cases, it's far from the worst game ever it would seem. Personally I don't have a problem with the dance off, it's not like it's canon or anything, where are SW fans sense of humour? Rogue Squadron III had a disco opening, I don't recall anyone complaining about that. So much of SW culture is built on parodies, why is it that when Lucasarts tries to poke fun at itself everyone gets all up in arms? Jeez.
ET steadily brought forward the North American Video Game Crash of 1983 because of numerous factors. The most important one being that Spielberg only gave the developers 5 weeks to make the game, so that they could hit the Christmas market (not to mention, the $250,000 spent just to get the ET license). Then there was the sheer volume of copies made, as well as Atari's relationships with their distributors changing. Also, 3.5m out of the 4m copies made were returned to Atari. It actually sold well, but all of those coupled together made it a huge financial loss.

So no, it's not like ET.
ET was almost solely responsible for the downturn in video game sales in the '80s. ****** games nowadays are ignored or laughed at. Besides, the industry is far too big to get its jimmies rustled over one ****** game.

However, I don't see why people are defending it, because it most certainly is not a well made game.
It's not "think". It IS NOT a well made game.

-The pod racing controls are broken since it requires three hands.
-The light saber duels are slow, scripted and force you into making very specific moves. Considering this is what everyone would want to play, having it be the worst part speaks volumes about the game.
-Force powers are hard to target enemies with.
-The difficulty spikes are random and out of nowhere.

And don't give me the "limitations of the Kinect" argument. They shouldn't be releasing games for it if they don't even work right.
Ah, ok then. Now I know. To be honest, I'd suspected control issues for a while, since in the advert it clearly shows the player gesturing to force throw some giant debris to the right, but the character slams it downward instead. A shame, because aside from control and gameplay issues, the game certainly does not lack polish.