Kevin Smith Fans - MUST READ


If you don't already know I am a HUGE Kevin Smith fan, last year I missed out on seeing him Live in London and i pretty much killed me, once again this year he is travelling to the UK to do ONE live show in London, I tried my best but couldn't get tickets (cue tears). Anyway he has added a new date April 5th 2007



PLUS - Kevin Smith will also Feature in the new Die Hard Movie, he will portray master hacker 'The Warlock' in the new 'Die Hard' movie. Now I wanna see this even more

AND FINALLY Smith will direct new series (ok the pilot at least) for the 'Reaper'. Kevin Smith is set to direct the CW pilot "Reaper," a comedic drama about Sam Oliver, a 21-year-old slacker who learns that at birth his parents sold his soul to the devil and now has to pay the debt by becoming the Satan's bounty hunter, retrieving souls escaped from hell. Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters wrote the project; that will film for two weeks in Vancouver, beginning March 12th - Sounds like Ghost Rider meets Brimstone to me only the kid has no choice. I loved the series Brimstone so I am definately looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of this Pilot.