K-on manga licensed by Yen Press


The Boss
Yen press licenses Kakifly's K-on manga.

When their high school's pop-music club is about to be disbanded due to lack of interest, four girls step up to fill the membership quota. Unfortunately, lead guitarist Yui Hirasawa has never played an instrument in her life. Ever. And although she likes the idea of being in a band, standing in front of the mirror posing with her guitar is a lot easier than actually playing it. It's gonna be a while before this motley crew is rocking out, but with their spunk and determination cranked to 11, anything is possible!

Release Date: 7 Dec 2010
RRP: £7.99

<a href="http://www.yenpress.com/k-on-by-kakifly/">Source</a>
Cool, never expected any interest in K-on in the UK may have to pick them up.

I've scanned through all the japanese volumes whilst in a manga cafe in tokyo earlier this year, the anime follows it quite close so could understand what was going on :)
Reaper gI said:
Erm did we not report this in February when it happened.
did we? Oh, yes, we did... It's just that I've received another poke from them about it, so I completely forgot that I've reported this earlier. I'm going senile, I guess.