


No not an item of clothing


A genetic anomaly allows a young man to teleport himself anywhere. He discovers this gift has existed for centuries and finds himself in a war that has been raging for thousands of years between "Jumpers" and those who have sworn to kill them.

Check out the trailer it actually looks like it has a lot of potential as a movie, the only downside is Baby Vader (Hayden Christensen) is the main character but the UP SIDE is the guy kicking his ass is Samuel L. Jackson (bit of revenge for the whole starwars thing).

Trailer and Info

I like the look of this, it has a very 'heroes' feel to it, but rather than lots of people having different power a few share the same. And we get to see a hero robbing banks, finally some truth to what 90% of people with those kinds of powers would do.
Hmm, looks interesting. I could only see half the trailer. Work PC didn't want to see the rest :roll:
I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this until now actually. It has potential to bomb of course. Made mental note to see it still ^^