Joker in the New Batman Movie is.......



Yes thats right Heath Ledger is the new Joker........ WHY??? I just can't see him doing the psychotic laugh, not as well as Mark Hamill in the animated series/movies.

Apparently this time Joker will be seen more as he was written in the comic strip rather than a re-creation of Jack Nicholsons character. He'll be more psychotic and cruel than and will loose Nicholsons 80's style fashion collecting, acid face burning, prince loving personna...
Guyver 0 said:
known this for a while is about the eyes rather than the laugh and the smile. ledger definately has the eyes.

OK I'll give you the fact that he has cold dead eyes but still it Heath Ledger, I just can't see him pulling it off
Hovis! said:
They should have casted Jack Nicholson. Oh, wait...

No way he's so 80's I really hope the new joker is as evil and psychotic as he is in the comics/cartoons and not as camp as Nicholsons efforts (there I said it)
It may be cheesy but I always thought it could have been Mark Hamill, after all we know he can do the voice, and after seing him do it in an interview I honestly think he could act the part too.