Japanophiles, please stop.

God...why would they go ganguro too? And then allow for news coverage? They look more like they've blacked up and that's most likely how the general public would perceive it... Jesus.
I can't actually view the clip on my phone, but I don't believe ganguro was exactly well received in Japan originally either.

It's not my cup of tea (not that I ever drink tea) but if people are enjoying themselves and making others wonder what the hell they're wearing/doing, that's really no different to any other youth subculture of the last fifty years.
I think it's a bit late to tell them to stop. The article is from three years ago ;p

Hmm, it doesn't look like a very appealing style to me, but I don't find it offensive, so if it makes them happy why not. And it's probably a lot less ridiculous than the teenagers in certain areas of London who walk around with different colour bandanna's hanging out of their jeans in an attempt to ape US gang culture. In fact British kids have been copying US and Jamaican street culture for years, so it doesn't really bother me if kids want to imitate an admittedly strange but seemingly harmless Japanese subculture....I don't think it will catch on, though.

Jynx used Copycat!

This is all I see.
vashdaman said:
Hmm, it doesn't look like a very appealing style to me, but I don't find it offensive, so if it makes them happy why not. And it's probably a lot less ridiculous than the teenagers in certain areas of London who walk around with different colour bandanna's hanging out of their jeans in an attempt to ape US gang culture. In fact British kids have been copying US and Jamaican street culture for years, so it doesn't really bother me if kids want to imitate an admittedly strange but seemingly harmless Japanese subculture....I don't think it will catch on, though.

I don't find it offensive, beyond being offensive to my eyes :p I just think it's a daft thing to emulate. The jean thing is not really a sound counter-argument as I still think it's annoying when people have their jeans hanging off their ****. Not overly fond of ugg boots either, but that's another debate :p
It may be daft, but is it really any dafter than dressing up in suit everyday so you look "smart"? It's just another way to express yourself, and all too often we seem to have the idea that the white persons way of dressing is the 'proper' way to dress, and I disagree with that sentiment. Why should we have any way of dressing imposed on us? I can't really understand why people would have a problem with it (aside from if they felt it was somehow referencing the whole minstrel show thing, but I think that's somewhat of stretch to honest, from what I can see), it's not that much worse than what the goths do, is it? I don't really understand it a whole lot, but I doesn't particularly annoy me.