Japanese School Girls invade UK TV with advanced technology


Ghost of Animes
Otaku News have noticed that on Tuesdays at 7pm, UK digital TV channel Discovery Science UK will be airing a new technology-info show worryingly dubbed "Japanese School Girls" (that will infact be presented by, you guessed it, four giddy Japanese School Girls).

"Japan is where new technology is born. Some of it grows up and heads towards the west, but the world's biggest exporter of consumer electronics regularly keeps its most innovative technology to itself, selling it only to the domestic market. This new technology programme is fronted by the very people driving Japan's gadget market...teenage girls..."

Click here to read the full synopsis at the official website.
I don't think this is a regular show - it's not on next Tuesday's listings, at least.

It will be repeated a bunch of times on Friday, though.
I saw this advertised when i was checking what was on TV one time..it looked interesting but i doubt i would be able to see it since the TV is usually taken over most of the day all the time.
In my hang-over induced state yesterday, I actually managed to catch the first episode repeat. It wasn't actually too bad, a little skittish and bland, but it seemed quite fun and not entirely boring. The section on robots was cool :) The titular girls tended to jump around and role play with their technology.
And why not!? Gadgets and boobs in one!

Honestly didn't think a lot of the show though, nothing to write home about. Got quickly tired of the giddyness factor and the presentation of the show.
Raujinn said:
And why not!? Gadgets and boobs in one!

Honestly didn't think a lot of the show though, nothing to write home about. Got quickly tired of the giddyness factor and the presentation of the show.
Indeed, Gadget Show is a f-ton better.
I could launch a tirade at how shallow it is but if I had access to the channel no doubt I'd be thinking "oooh...shiny gadgets!" and watching it all the same. Yep, I admit it: I wish it was on digi freeview!