Japanese manga

The Judge

Brigade Leader
I've just started learning Japanese and was wondering if anyone knew any shops in London or websites where I can get import manga (i.e. in Japanese). Cheers.
Yesasia have quite a lot of Japanese manga (not to mention DVDs and games) for sale, and you can get free delivery if you spend over ~$39. I've also seen the odd volume on otaku.co.uk, and it might be worth having a look on eBay too.
Ebay is a good idea for Japanese manga, especially if you can use Paypal and actually buy them from Japan!
There's often UK auctions for Japanese manga. Although I've bought most of mine from anime conventions.
One last place that might be worth a look is; the odd Forbidden Planet might have something. I've bought a few from there myself!
www.jlist.com, if you go onto the all-ages-friendly version (not the one that doubles as a hentai store) sells some useful bilingual versions of various titles, or so it seemed last time I looked. Well, it has at least a bilingual version of Chobits vol.1.

If you go into the other version, well, click at your peril.
Akaihane said:
When I'm in London, I generally go to the Japan Centre (http://www.japancentre.com/books.php), near Piccadilly Circus. They sell a lot of manga phonebooks for pretty cheap. There are also a lot of Japanese bookstores around that area and Soho, but I can remember any specific names o_________O
Do Japan Centre still sell manga? I haven't seen any in there for about 5 years! (but I haven't been for about a year...)

At one time, Tower Records across the road were selling Japanese copies of Shomen Jumo as well.

There's sometimes some in Forbidden Planet in London, but they hike up their prices...
I was at Japan Centre less than a year ago and they had a bunch of stuff. Hell, they even sold English manga ^_^ I think I was there for the first time about five years ago, and at that point the manga was on the ground floor, but now it's been moved to the first floor where, if I remember correctly, the travel agents used to be.
I actually found myself there yeasterday, you're right! :D The manga's now upstairs. I was just never adventurous to go inside when it looked likt a restaurant.

Got myself Japanese copies of Naruto and Blackjack! They also had Bleach, but I didn't have enough money. :cry: