Japan reacts to juvenile violence by pulling anime from TV


Ghost of Animes
After a recent spate of violent juvenile crime in Japan (including the infamous case where a school girl <a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/news/1504/real-murder-sees-school-days-replaced-by-nice-boats">axe-murdered her sleeping father</a>), two of the country's most controversial anime series, both heavily involving young characters, <a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-10-08/japan's-tv-tama-takes-nymphet-higurashi-off-schedule">have been pulled</a> from certain Japanese TV channels.

The second season of Higurashi (a.k.a When They Cry) was placed on an indefinite hiatus due to its notable combination of children, violence and horror (despite protests that it intends to renounce this violence), while the <a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/news/1398/seven-seas-kill-release-of-borderline-lolicon-manga-nymphet">infamous comedy</a> Kodomo no Jikan (Nymphet, known for its depiction of children in sexual situations) has been removed from its premiere slot (it was due to begin airing this week).
o_O You know its bad when the country that makes it doesn't want it shown. I can't say I’m surprised Kodomo no Jikan has been pulled. That series looks really dodgy. I've got no experience of Higurashi so I can't comment on that one.
But seriously it does seam a bit extreme. I mean every week here in the UK you hear that some chav or person got stabbed, shot or met some nasty murder but you don't see all the violent movies and so on pulled from TV. I dunno maybe over in Japan its not so common for this sort of thing to happen.
I guess it's just the rather specific nature of these axe attacks. Things like School Days and When They Cry aren't exactly shy about depicting bloody and sadistic murder. I think it's harsh too, though I have no sympathy concerning Kodomo no Jikan. I guess Japan's version of The Daily Mail kicked up a bit of a fuss, eh?
Paul said:
I guess it's just the rather specific nature of these axe attacks. Things like School Days and When They Cry aren't exactly shy about depicting bloody and sadistic murder. I think it's harsh too, though I have no sympathy concerning Kodomo no Jikan. I guess Japan's version of The Daily Mail kicked up a bit of a fuss, eh?

Yeah that really wouldn't surprise me :p But I see what you mean about School Days and When They Cry. The end of school days was pretty shocking.
I could've understood the hiatus of Higurashi if it was last year when the murders were the most prominant theme, but really this season hasn't focused as much on them. It's a shame that the Government bodies across the world are blaming the media/cartoons/videogames for the problems of today's youth :(.
Nyu said:
Lets not blame the messed up kids or the failed parents. No, lets blame a medium that corrupts our kids.

Yes lets do that!!!

Seriously i dont get how people can say carttoons corrupt kids if you realy think carttoons are that dangerous dont let your kids watch them.
Been dealing with this for years in gaming. Occaisionally I have no sympathies, for the really bad productions that are intended to be disturbing, but in general I think it's the parents fault for allowing things like this to influence their children and teenagers and other's fault for not keeping a close guard on the barriers between reality and fantasy.

As I've said before, there have even been anime that warn about this weakening barrier, people should pay more attention.
Taylor said:
So wait... Kodomo no Jikan isnt going to air atall anymore? or theyve just put the air date off?
Yes, it's still going to air, don't panic. Just that 2 of the 4 stations that were planning to show it have postponed it indefinitely.

Personally, I think it all just seems a little silly...
yer its kind of pathetic, they blame everything that happens to children on whats on tv and games. Do they not look to the parents?
trumpster said:
but in general I think it's the parents fault for allowing things like this to influence their children and teenagers and other's fault for not keeping a close guard on the barriers between reality and fantasy.

I second that! If the parents would just pay more attention to what they're kids are doing and what there're doing then these things may not happen as often. I don't watch School Days but I think they shouldn't show the ending for a while till this calms down then maybe show it later. I hate it when people blame the source rather than the people in between.