January 2007 UK anime DVD releases


Ghost of Animes
All of January's UK anime DVD releases are listed below. Of course, if you are excited about some of these releases, feel free to drop by <a href="http://forums.animeuknews.net">our community forums</a> and let us know what you think!<ul class="menu"><li><b>08 JANUARY 2007</b></li><li>Ranma Movie 1 & 2 Twin Pack (MVM)</li><li>Requiem from the Darkness #3 (MVM)</li><li>Saiyuki Reload #1 (MVM)</li><li><b>15 JANUARY 2007</b></li><li>Dai-Guard Complete Collection (ADV)</li><li>Eureka 7 #3 (Beez)</li><li>Fantastic Children #3 (Beez)</li><li>My-Hime #4 (Beez)</li><li>Yugo the Negotiator #2 (ADV)</li><li><b>22 JANUARY 2007</b></li><li>Fruits Basket DVD Box-set (Revelation Films)</li><li>Full Metal Alchemist #9 (Revelation Films)</li><li>Spiral #1 (Revelation Films)</li><li><b>29 JANUARY 2007</b></li><li>IGPX #3 (Beez)</li><li>Noein - To your other self #1 (Manga)</li><li>Otogi Zoshi #3 (Manga)</li><li>Robotech: The Masters - Complete Box Set (Manga)</li><li>She: The Ultimate Weapon (Saikano) - Another Love Song (Manga)</li></ul><a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/schedule.php">Read more...</a>
Oh thank god this looks like it might be a cheap month for me with nothing special to buy....... unless I talk to Hovis! in which case I may have to take out a loan
Unless its delayed again on the 29th January (2007 people) Patlabor 2: The Movie - Collector's Edition should be released too.

Here's hoping...

Well, I am anyway!
Meh other than She: nother love song nothing much, but going to start renting My HiME, so may be getting hooked on that, only hope the spoilers i've heard don't ruin too much
The only thing i'm interested in is how Revelation Films will handle FMA. I'm not actually buying it but I am curious about it.
hmm..well other thank Eureka 7 and possibly FMA i doubt i will be getting much. mind you i may get the fruit basket boxset also.
Looks like this will actually be a manga month for me, just looked at my library and found nothing to read so will be online shopping for new series or new volumes of current series..... so much for the cheap month
Just got my copy of FMA 9 - the packaging's mainly unchanged. I'm bored and winding down from an exam so I'm going to play spot the difference with this volume and the MVM ones. Down to every last detail.


The box feels sturdier and not as flimsy as the MVM releases.
The bottom of the back of the box is less cluttered looking.
Yes, it has subs. Quit whining.


The logo is at the top of the box and not the bottom as before (why they bothered changing it I don't know).
Revelation films' ugly (imo) logo where there was once MVM (obviously)
Smaller age rating on the spine.
The episodes contained are listed next to the title ("Pain and Lust Episodes 33-36" in place of "Pain and Lust") on the front cover and spine.
The two latter things will make the Revelation releases stick out when stored in a rack or shelf or whatever, worth noting.


No booklet as you might have hoped.
Revelation films logo and copyright warning badly pasted over the disc, making it look cluttered.

Overall, they're certainly not identical, but there's no major differences between the MVM and Revelation releases.

Aren't I a geek.
Dayum mayn, you beat me to it, I'm really not liking the change, but oh well, at least I got the next DVD, also seen the FB boxset, it's pretty 1337. =3
Lupus Inu said:
Dayum mayn, you beat me to it, I'm really not liking the change, but oh well, at least I got the next DVD, also seen the FB boxset, it's pretty 1337. =3

Yeah, well you're getting the same quality release for a lower price. It's good overall. Plus we have more frequent releases, and by the looks of it, more plentiful supply (I was in town today and every shop had a few copies, much better than when I had no choice but to order online).