Is a new Free! project slated for next summer?


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff
Today (or technically tomorrow), Kyoto Animation's&nbsp;<em style="line-height:1.6em">Free! Iwatobi Swim Club</em>&nbsp;anime's 12th and final episode aired in Japan. The end of the episode was accompanied by a a message reading "See you next summer!" instead of the usual "See you next water&nbsp;time!" message that previous episodes closed with.

Kyoto Animation have yet to announce a second season or another instalment in the franchise, but could this be a hint at things to come?
That will depend on how well it was received and sold. Personally I'm still surprised it got made at all, but one can't catch trout with a new fly unless one whips it out into the stream first. This fish just ain't interested.
I hope it will get a sequel, and it seems to be doing pretty well in sales (and indeed in merchandise sales) so there's no reason to think it won't.

The first volume has sold nearly 30k on BD/DVD, making a sequel all but guaranteed. While I'm not personally interested in Free, I'm thrilled about its success simply because of the reaction from otaku (BETRAYAL!) over it getting made at all.