Iron Man - Reviewed



Just been to see this and it is AMAZING, one of the best films I have seen in a while.

Action - starts with an explosion and doesn't really slow down, it has every type of fight, ground, troop, airbourne, 1-on-1. And the suit has been designed so well to incorporate all these areas of combat.

Comedy Funny all the way through, and I mean laugh out loud funny, the cinema was in hysterics watching Tony Stark test out the suit.

Story Definately well put together, its got a great pace and you never get bored your attention is held through out.

Do not leave the cinema til the very end of the credits for a special little clip and twist to the story.

Robert Downey Jr is perfect as Stark a brilliant mix of playboy millionaire and smart businessman. By the end of the film you love the guy and you will leave the cinema quoting his last line before the credits roll.

Theres so much I wanna say about this film but it would spoil stuff so I have hidden it The appearence of SHIELD was a brilliant touch especially with a film about the organisation in the pipeline, although you don't realise who they are til the very end of the flick. Watching the movie you just sit there with a huge smile on your face, the comedy of watching Stark build and test the suit is brilliant especially when it all goes wrong. As for his side kick, no he doesn;t get a suit but as there is one hanging in Starks lab and he see's it we can all assume he will be Warmachine in the next movie as he fits all the requirements.

Only downside the end fight scene isn't as good as I hoped it would be but a small price to pay for an amazing film, but with Stark forcefully downgraded it kinda sucked not to see him go all out like earlier in the movie.

9/10 such a brilliant movie I really have to watching it again
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A-men brother. I bloody loved it.

Can you tell me what happens after the trailer (in spoiler bars of course lol) as i had no idea and left before the credits finished.
LukasROAR said:
A-men brother. I bloody loved it.

Can you tell me what happens after the trailer (in spoiler bars of course lol) as i had no idea and left before the credits finished.

ONLY READ IF YOU DON'T WANT THE END OF THE CREDITS RUINED FOR YOU - Yep here goes Stark comes home after the press conference, the livingroom is dark and the computer voice isn't working right, a man in the shadows introduces himself as NICK FURY and tells him he'll be seeing a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. as they have a history with other superheroes..... best bit is Nick Fury is being played by Samual L Jackson
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McIcy said:
LukasROAR said:
A-men brother. I bloody loved it.

Can you tell me what happens after the trailer (in spoiler bars of course lol) as i had no idea and left before the credits finished.

ONLY READ IF YOU DON'T WANT THE END OF THE CREDITS RUINED FOR YOU - Yep here goes Stark comes home after the press conference, the livingroom is dark and the computer voice isn't working right, a man in the shadows introduces himself as NICK FURY and tells him he'll be seeing a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. as they have a history with other superheroes..... best bit is Nick Fury is being played by Samual L Jackson
Do ypu actually see Samuel L?
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LukasROAR said:
McIcy said:
LukasROAR said:
A-men brother. I bloody loved it.

Can you tell me what happens after the trailer (in spoiler bars of course lol) as i had no idea and left before the credits finished.

ONLY READ IF YOU DON'T WANT THE END OF THE CREDITS RUINED FOR YOU - Yep here goes Stark comes home after the press conference, the livingroom is dark and the computer voice isn't working right, a man in the shadows introduces himself as NICK FURY and tells him he'll be seeing a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. as they have a history with other superheroes..... best bit is Nick Fury is being played by Samual L Jackson
Do ypu actually see Samuel L?

Yes you do, eye patch and all. McIcy also forgot to mention that Fury wants to talk to Stark about "The Avengers Initiative".
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Agreed, absolutely amazing film! Though i have to agree with you that the last fight seemed to be a bit of a letdown. Considering how much they went all out for rest of the film (and as you said the circumstances) that can be excused however.

I was especially struck by the soundtrack as well - great but not cheesy a rare for superhero flicks, widdles on spiderman from a great height imo (iron man was always my favourite superhero though)

I love what they've done with Stark's character as well, funny and all but not a clown, i emphasised with him a hellofalot more than Parker (i really dont hate spiderman that much but i cant think of another comparison)
Was an awesome touch that the first Iron Man suit he made was based on the original Iron Man design from 1963 Tales of Suspense.
Liquid Skin said:
I was especially struck by the soundtrack as well - great but not cheesy a rare for superhero flicks, widdles on spiderman from a great height imo (iron man was always my favourite superhero though)
I've got to say, as well. The Iron Man songs they produced are instant classics, I think it should be recognisable for everyone, soon enough. Like Harry Potter and Spiderman. The songs being cheesy punk rock tunes matches Iron Man himself, I think. I did and still do love the score they done for the Spiderman movies, I'll be awaitin' for the second IM movie till I give a better judgement as to whether I like more or less than Spidey's.

I felt it was a great flick overall. Possibly a bit too long on the suit building. Nice fights, I would have liked to see more of the relationship between Pepper and Tony.. But.. whatever. It was like a mix between Transformers 1 and Spiderman 1, as I whole, I thought.

Robert was great as the part, However - He did not look the age he was meant to, at all. (Assuming what I read in the film was right, Early twenties.) ;p
Jayme said:
Nice fights, I would have liked to see more of the relationship between Pepper and Tony.
Why? Pepper ends up with Happy Hogan, Tony's chaffeur and leaves Stark Industries. It's not exactly a cheerful storyline =/
So I heard this movie is basically some guy in an metal suit taking down the Middle East?

If so, no wonder it's popular in America.
Lupus Inu said:
So I heard this movie is basically some guy in an metal suit taking down the Middle East?

If so, no wonder it's popular in America.
Actually, the main point of the film is that his company, which also arms the American army, is also arming the terrorists, it's more that both damn sides suck so it's not quite ZOMG AMERICA BE TEH BEZT. But yeah, I can see where yer comin' from with that 'un.[/spoiler]
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Lin said:
Jayme said:
Nice fights, I would have liked to see more of the relationship between Pepper and Tony.
Why? Pepper ends up with Happy Hogan, Tony's chaffeur and leaves Stark Industries. It's not exactly a cheerful storyline =/

Nice to see another comic book fan on here :)
Just got back

Thought it was pretty good, would give it 8 1/2

Great introduction with room for improvement - role on the sequel.
i personally didnt think this film was all that it was all that.
its one of those films you'd entertained then forget everything about it after you leave the cinema.

now i found Speed Racer tons better than Iron man...that film had excellent directing, editing and of course...speed. gah this is getting somewhat off topic, so err yeah... Iron ok film. 7/10
just saw it today, much better than Spiderman 3 in my opinion (not too sure bout 1 or 2) though it was boosted by the fact that only me and chaz were there so we had the entire cinema to ourselves :D