Irish Film Institute Anime to host anime weekend


The Boss
the Irish Film Institute will host a weekend of anime in March.
Guests throughout the weekend will be Andrew Partridge and Hugh K. David, who both have extensive experience of the anime industry, and Jonathan Clements, author of <em>Schoolgirl Milky Crises: Adventures in the Anime and Manga Trade"</em> and co-author of the <em>Anime Encyclopedia</em>."
Special package price of &euro;47 (&euro;42 members) for all 6 screenings. Until 4pm - &euro;7.75, then after 4pm &euro;9.20 - Students/Under 16s: &euro;5
<strong>Saturday 20 March 2010</strong>
Evangelion 1.11 - 1pm
5 cm per second + Discussion panel - 3pm
Evangelion 2.0 - 5:15pm

<strong>Sunday 21 March 2010</strong>
The girl who leapt through time - 1pm
Gundam Unicorn & Blood: the last Vampire - 3pm
Summer Wars - 5:15pm
<a href="">For more information, visit their website</a>
Thanks to <strong><a target="_miniprofile" onclick="'profile.php?mode=miniprofile&u=2969', '_miniprofile', 'HEIGHT=300,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,WIDTH=290');return false;" href="">Zeouterlimits</a></strong> for letting us know.
Summer wars is great. I really liked that one. I didn't had a chance to see Eva just yet. There's always something hapenning that keeps me from watching it =(