
Death Scythe
I don't know if this has been brought up here before, but I do know that it would be really nice to get our IRC channel back up and running.

Could I suggest a link on the main page to it, I don't know where, maybe next to the clock or something, it only needs to be a small link, could even be quick linked with an irc:// or however it's done, just to get the room back up and running.

It would be nice to have it back how it used to be; I know lots of people use IRC to download anime and to generally browse channels, so it can't be too hard to idle in quakenet :p

Also, I think it would be a good idea to have our very own AnimeUKNews admin there, I know you have popped in a few times in the past, Paul. I know you want that sexy ~ before your name :D

I can get a couple of people to idle in the channel again, Neptune2Venus and WhiteRabbit, and spread the word to other active AnimeUKNews people in my msn; but the others who have dissapeared, namely Mangaminx, and the other load of people who used to be there, I'm sure there's some way to contact them. And of course we have all the new guys on here who I'm sure would love to join.

P.S. Strange new emotions.. with hats on o_o. :lol:
Oh and a link to the "How to get IRC" guide on the main page, along with a news post on it might be in order; if this is going to go ahead.

EDIT: Oh and it's kind of hard to tell people to come and drop by, when it's empty more or less right now, so maybe an "opening" date would be good :p
The IRC channel we all used to go on was great, though it was a shame in the end people just began to leave, including myself. If you do get it up and running though it would be great :D . I know some people like mangaminx are busy now, but i'm sure i could ask her is she wants to go on maybe.
Arbalest said:
The IRC channel we all used to go on was great, though it was a shame in the end people just began to leave, including myself. If you do get it up and running though it would be great :D . I know some people like mangaminx are busy now, but i'm sure i could ask her is she wants to go on maybe.

I'm on right now, Redgore is with me as he always idles there.
I'm trying to contact WhiteRabbit and Chomolungma now but they're afk.
I hope something does come from this, it would be really really really great. :eek:
Nyu said:
either IRC or some flash/java chat program and count me in.

I find the problem with the flash/java one is that it just doesn't work too well, and we'd end up with loads of "User00001", "User00002" etc.
Cheeky said:
I don't get IRC lol, what exactly is it?

It's basically a chat client (I'm sure someone can explain better than me).
It can be used to download anime though through bots. But our forum channel is just for chatting really.
Yeah actually that description really sucked so if anyone else wants to make a more precise one go ahead. :?
Ah, that helps. I've heard about IRC and went to take a look at but I didn't really get what it was about. Do I have to download a chat client/software etc?
Cheeky said:
Ah, that helps. I've heard about IRC and went to take a look at but I didn't really get what it was about. Do I have to download a chat client/software etc?
I recommend XChat 2.

I only ever use IRC for one channel, so unless someone gives every single little instruction on how to join the Channel, I don't see myself being on it, since I have my XChat 2 configured to automatically log me onto the channel/server I mentioned.