Introducing Dimensional Manga


Ghost of Animes
To start a new manga publishing house in these difficult times is a laudable venture indeed and Dimensional Manga are to be applauded for their bravery in launching the OEM series &lsquo;Demon Prince: Children of Gaia&rsquo; by Dil, with artwork by Philip Knott. &lsquo;Demon Prince&rsquo; comes with a back-up campaign including downloadable full colour mobile phone pictures of all the characters, wallpaper, posters and online previews. A newsletter is also promised. This is OEL Manga (Original English&nbsp; Language Manga) or, as their publicity material describes it &lsquo;manga for worldwide audiences&rsquo;, If you are a fan of homegrown graphic novels drawn in manga style, then do drop by the website: <a href=""></a> to learn more about this project. Volume 1 is out this month at &pound;7.99 with Volume 2 following very soon. Below is a quote from their official website explaining their intentions and the meaning behind the "Dimensional" word in their name:
<em>'The characters do not drive the story, but rather the story drives the characters. This feature stops limitations that would have otherwise existed. For that reason this story will not go stale or limited. This brings about the possibility of 'morphic and multi-morphic' story telling, which are courtesy of fifth dimensional thinking.'</em>
Wow, just took a look at the website - lets hope it is as good and interesting as it sounds. I have never read homegrown manga before so I might start with this one - thanks for posting Paul!
Ah, Multi-Morphic Storytelling. I just love to sprinkle it over my morning bowl of muesli.

Meaningless and obfuscatory language aside, this is probably good news.
So... Are they going to actually finish those pictures off or is that it? :?

So far it looks like they've outlined each page and forgotten to add the detailing.
Dimensional Manga & Art Competition @ Orbital Manga

Orbital Manga have invited Dimensional Manga down for a signing and a day of fun on 26th April 2008, 1pm!!

Their artist will be drawing a big piece of Manga Art for everyone to see!!

Fancy getting in on the action - make sure you come down to Orbital Manga, 4c Orion House, Upper St Martins Lane, London WC2H 9NY
Tel. 0207 2405577


Budding artists - Get your pens at the ready!!

Here's a competition for you to showcase yourself and win some great prizes from Dimensional Manga!! It's an open art competition - so anything goes!! Be origional and quirky...all art will be showcased on the Orbital Manga Wall of Art!!

For those of you that want to draw like the pros The London Graphic Centre have lots of How to Draw Manga art books and all the stationary you need in order to draw manga!!

Deadline for Art submissions: 26th April by 2pm
Post or Hand your Artwork in to: Orbital Manga 4c Orion House, Upper St Martins Lane, London WC2H 9NY
Re: Dimensional Manga & Art Competition @ Orbital Manga

ems said:
Orbital Manga have invited Dimensional Manga down for a signing and a day of fun on 26th April 2008, 1pm!!

There was as flyer about this somewhere.... They gand prize of the art is a job =) interesting promo to find slaves, errr, I mean labourers ;D
The competition is about finding new talent - not slaves - imagine being offered a paid job as a manga artist in a proper company - surely thats well worth the effort of drawing
ems said:
The competition is about finding new talent - not slaves - imagine being offered a paid job as a manga artist in a proper company - surely thats well worth the effort of drawing

I got that. In UK, I've rarely seen those comments / small comics manga authors (and assistants) put in their tankobons (the collected editions).

Most manga authors complain about the long hours and crazy schedule. My joke was based on that.