Interested by Japan?

Are you interested in Japan (beyond anime & manga)?

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So are you interested in Japan in any respect beyond simply watching/reading anime/manga?

Obviously, being interested in anime or manga does not mean that you must or should have any interest in Japan whatsoever but I guess it’s quite natural for one thing to lead to another.

My interest in Japan was centred on my love of Samurai films, particularly Kurosawa’s. But since developing an appreciation of anime a year or so back I have found my interest in wider Japanese culture grow. It’s hardly of an obsessive nature, as my attempt at learning a bit of the language was half arsed for one thing and I don't own a yukata, but it has been enough of an interest for me to have booked a trip out there.

One of the things that I believe makes Japan so interesting is that there are few other countries that have had such a hectic and fast paced modern history and one that has so heavily influenced and been influenced by other cultures. That, coupled with it’s extreme ‘foreignness’ from an British viewpoint makes it fascinating to me.
I was when I first started watching anime, but much less now. I still plan on going there at some point, probably when I finish my degree, but that'll be part of a Far Eastern trip including China, South Korea, Hong Kong and others, which interest me just as much nowadays.
Doberman Pharaoh said:
I was when I first started watching anime, but much less now. I still plan on going there at some point, probably when I finish my degree, but that'll be part of a Far Eastern trip including China, South Korea, Hong Kong and others, which interest me just as much nowadays.

Agreed when i first started watching it i wanted to move then i looked into and thought screw that.Many other eastern countries interest me :)
After reading a few books and online resources, my interest extends far beyond anime/manga.

Proof being my interest in anime has somewhat dwindled.

I'm actually interested in the Far East as a whole, not just Japan. D=
My interest in Japan was what made me attempt to get into the Japanese course in Edinburgh uni first off, but unfortunately i didn't get it, it doesn't really affect the fact that i want to head over there and check it out for myself let alone learn the language. Its not just Japan though that interests me, but the majority of far eastern countries like China, and so on.
Not anymore, bar music, back in the day when I firsted joined AUKN and I was an uber idiot I was, I wanted to go, now I'm not so sure on it anymore, some of my fellow animu fan friends are all "We'll go to Japan one day!" Like we can just get up and go, and I'm all "Yeah, ok..." hardly having the enthusiasm I once did. Like Hyaku, I can't hardly be bothered with anime/manga anymore, I'm really into Japanese music though, if I liked anime/manga as much as I like music now I'd watch on average like... four series a week, seriously. I sometimes watch azn movies too, sometimes.

EDIT: Damn, no 50/50 option? =<
As the above said, I'd still like to go to (maybe even live in) Japan 1 day, but mainly because it would make life alot easier exploring the rest of East Asia like China and Korea
I have always had an interest in the whole cultural side of Japan. Like many cultures it has a rich history but I've always liked the idea of samurais, and seeing country itself.

I plan to go see it hopefully when i has enough money Holiday time & someone who'd wanna come with me
I think there whole culture and language is brilliant. Would love to learn how to speak japanese >.< At some point im going to go there for a holiday or something, but first i have to get a decent paying job and start saving haha.
Anime and Manga were essentially my doorway into japanese culture. There are so many different aspects to japanese culture that I have an endless fascinaton with it.

It's inevitable that I will end up in Tokyo next year. Who am I to challenge fate.

M.G xx
I was actually interested in the far east before i visited the anime and manga world, i can't remember from when really but my ideal holiday was always to travel to the far east. Not Japan necessarily (my geography wasn't so good back then so as far as i was concerned it was Japan, China, Taiwan and...the others hehe) But not the big capitals - i loved the idea of rural Japan or China, checking out all of the shrines and ruins, visiting the temples and so on.

But in terms of actually researching and finding out more about the culture and philosophy then yes anime was my doorway and a welcome alternative to a couple inch thick books! I might end up living there, doubtful but since im bouncing off theology, philosophy or history degrees i will definitely specialise in anything to do with eastern philosophy, religion or history. As with everyone a holiday is planned, more of a hope than a aim with my money situation at the mo though!
Liquid Skin said:
As with everyone a holiday is planned, more of a hope than a aim with my money situation at the mo though!
Yeah, it’s a shame that it’s such a dear do to go there. It’s costing me just over £1600 for a ten day visit. That covers return economy flights from Manchester via Heathrow to Narita with BA, three nights in Tokyo at the Hilton, 2 nights in a Ryokan near Hakone, 3 nights in Kyoto at the Granvia hotel (which is built within Kyoto station) and then 2 nights back in Tokyo. It also includes a JR rail pass and meals at the Ryokan.

Pretty much all of that was booked as individual parts as shopping around can save a bit of cash. Originally we were going to book an organised tour (which was a bit shorter and cheaper) but I don’t really like being kept to tight schedules or being herded around.

Of course there is then spending money and I’ve not much idea how much of that I’ll need.

The weird thing is the indirect costs such as buying an mp3 player and a couple of books to get me through the total of 26 hours of flying time (I just can’t sleep on planes). I’ve also spent a small fortune on guide books in the last few months. I could fill my case with them! And then it’s almost inevitable that some new clothes will be bought before going.

Only five weeks today! I can’t wait!
harkins said:
Liquid Skin said:
As with everyone a holiday is planned, more of a hope than a aim with my money situation at the mo though!
Yeah, it’s a shame that it’s such a dear do to go there. It’s costing me just over £1600 for a ten day visit. That covers return economy flights from Manchester via Heathrow to Narita with BA, three nights in Tokyo at the Hilton, 2 nights in a Ryokan near Hakone, 3 nights in Kyoto at the Granvia hotel (which is built within Kyoto station) and then 2 nights back in Tokyo. It also includes a JR rail pass and meals at the Ryokan.

Pretty much all of that was booked as individual parts as shopping around can save a bit of cash. Originally we were going to book an organised tour (which was a bit shorter and cheaper) but I don’t really like being kept to tight schedules or being herded around.

Of course there is then spending money and I’ve not much idea how much of that I’ll need.

The weird thing is the indirect costs such as buying an mp3 player and a couple of books to get me through the total of 26 hours of flying time (I just can’t sleep on planes). I’ve also spent a small fortune on guide books in the last few months. I could fill my case with them! And then it’s almost inevitable that some new clothes will be bought before going.

Only five weeks today! I can’t wait!

Crikey, you lucky devil you! I hope you have a brilliant time!

I totally agree with you about being herded around if/when i go i wont sign up for the tours - it'll cost more but at least then you can go exploring (and subsequently get lost - its half the fun!) Is anyone else planning on going to Japan pretty soon? I reckon a sticky thread detailing things you should bring/buy/take note of wouldn't go amiss for all those willing to pass on their experience. If theres a great enough demand that is.

Hehe i'm saving quite a lot on my trip to Zambia, my Ipod only charges by usb and its not like the area is teeming with computers to add songs with so its discman all the way! 2nd hand bookshops and a couple pads of paper will keep you entertained for days.
Yes, I'm very interested in Japan beyond anime and manga. I think Japan is a very beautiful country with a highly unique culture. I plan on getting a degree in Japanese (and international business) next year in DCU in Dublin ^_^ I get to go to Japan for the thrid year of my course.
CitizenGeek said:
Yes, I'm very interested in Japan beyond anime and manga. I think Japan is a very beautiful country with a highly unique culture. I plan on getting a degree in Japanese (and international business) next year in DCU in Dublin ^_^ I get to go to Japan for the thrid year of my course.

Lucky B****** I would love to go to Japan. But i'm only in my first year of collage so it will be a few years at least before i get there. :cry:
But yeah I'm very interested in Japan. Its just so cool and interesting and the people i've met from Japan have all been really nice people :p
I plan to do the whole JET thing in a year or two's time. Mainly for the experience rather than the "i'd rather be japanese/ yellow fever" etc etc.
Faye said:
Nyu said:
I plan to do the whole JET thing in a year or two's time. Mainly for the experience rather than the "i'd rather be japanese/ yellow fever" etc etc.

Pray you don't get stuck with the stinky oji-sans. :p

i've taught before, i don't think the japanese kids will be any different than ours. if there was any age group i'd specifically want it would either be the youngest or the ones just about to leave highschool. The kids in the middle are bastards, the lot of them.