Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull


I just got back from watching it.

I have to say I'm surprised at how good it was. Harrison Ford hasn't lost his touch at all. Heck, even Shia LaBeouf was actually decent.

Has anyone else seen it? Any thoughts?
I'm going to go watch it tomorrow, but seriously what the **** is this **** about Aliens?

Don't read that spoiler unless you're an idiot who hasn't seen the movie yet or spoiled yourself.
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Lupus Inu said:
but seriously what the **** is this **** about Aliens?
That did seem a bit strange, and the whole mind control thing seems a bit far-fetched seeing as the previous movies were based on religious artifacts and legends. Since it's all Mayan based though, it kind of makes sense in that way.
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Yep, I saw it the other day in the cinemas. Previews for the win!

The Alien part did make it kind of ****.

I thought it was great how it was set in the 50's and the "Greaser" guy who turned out to be his son .

Also, there was some great moments and parts. Such as when they were in that bar with the "FBI" and his son started that huge bar fight. It was great how it swapped the camera to the son, then back again, and there was like 50 greasers there! "GET THAT GREASER!!!" LOL!

I know a lot of people will think its far fetched, but thats what makes it so great!

Definetly worth watching, if you haven't already.
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Saw it today, well, like an hour ago. My thoughts:

I saw it... Aww **** man, saying I hated it would be me lying, saying it was good would be an understatement, saying I loved it would be about accurate. Of course it does have many a flaw.

At first I was all "Aww, **** here's Labeouf." But he was alright, and I was all "This family ******** better be good." and it was.

But now he's been set as his son if they plan to sequal with just him, I swear, I will ******* rage. It will NOT be Indiana Jones, it will be Indiana Jones Lite or Indiana Jones Inferior.

First ten minutes I was all "Wtf is this ****?" Then BAM, it was epic. Cate Blanchett was good at acting, but her Russian accent was ******* poor. I've heard better Russian accents on Manga dubs from the early 90s.

Also, I hated the fact they used CGI, I cried inside.

Things that made me weep: CGI usage, greaser monkeys, vine swinging, use of a snake as a rope?

Ok, the snake part was comedy, but it just didn't hit it with me. But the vine swinging... -facepalm-

Also, I take back my comment on the Aliens, it was better than I expected. Oh and Ray Winstone's character dying, the British guy dies? WHAT? He had it coming, eh.

I hope this brings Indiana to a close, honestly, because as much as I love the franchise, bringing any more out would hurt the franchise.

But yeah, great movie, great entertainment, Harrison Ford provides.
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Lupus Inu said:
Saw it today, well, like an hour ago. My thoughts:

I saw it... Aww **** man, saying I hated it would be me lying, saying it was good would be an understatement, saying I loved it would be about accurate. Of course it does have many a flaw.

At first I was all "Aww, **** here's Labeouf." But he was alright, and I was all "This family ******** better be good." and it was.

But now he's been set as his son if they plan to sequal with just him, I swear, I will ******* rage. It will NOT be Indiana Jones, it will be Indiana Jones Lite or Indiana Jones Inferior.

First ten minutes I was all "Wtf is this ****?" Then BAM, it was epic. Cate Blanchett was good at acting, but her Russian accent was ******* poor. I've heard better Russian accents on Manga dubs from the early 90s.

Also, I hated the fact they used CGI, I cried inside.

Things that made me weep: CGI usage, greaser monkeys, vine swinging, use of a snake as a rope?

Ok, the snake part was comedy, but it just didn't hit it with me. But the vine swinging... -facepalm-

Also, I take back my comment on the Aliens, it was better than I expected. Oh and Ray Winstone's character dying, the British guy dies? WHAT? He had it coming, eh.

I hope this brings Indiana to a close, honestly, because as much as I love the franchise, bringing any more out would hurt the franchise.

But yeah, great movie, great entertainment, Harrison Ford provides.

A fair few spoilers in here. Good thing i've seen it already
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Yeah, I know, but not all of it is spoilers, plus when I first posted it, I couldn't be bothered covering it... I'll do it now. >_>
Lupus Inu said:
Also, I take back my comment on the Aliens, it was better than I expected. Oh and Ray Winstone's character dying, the British guy dies? WHAT? He had it coming, eh.

Well, yeah, he was really greedy, wanting to get all that gold. I guess its a message on the children that you should never be too greedy! :p
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Saw it today, It was decent enough. To be honest, I wasn't bothered about it, at all. I disliked the whole passing the hat on but I was thankful when it return to its rightful owner.

When I saw the alien in the actual film I was just.. WTF George Lucas. Get off your high horse and leave Sci-phi alone.

John Williams' score was definitely there, I don't think they bothered with the actual tune, enough. Watching the other ones, Its not played nearly to the same extent. Which is a bit sad, I think it could have been played a more.

There weren't enough of the real lulz moments, either. Somewhat funny, yeah, but.. Not enough Indiana Jones slapstick that the other ones pull off so damn well.

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To people complaining about aliens, remember that it's set in the 50's and is a partial-pastiche of films of the time.

That and the other films were about GOD, so that's okay but aliens are a total no-go?
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I just watched it and even though I hate to say it I thought it was mediocre at best and that's being generous. From the moment that computer generated prairie dog appeared from the dirt it set the standard for the entire film.

There was nothing really memorable about it and I could list everything I disliked about it. Mainly the CGI prairie dogs, the swinging through the trees with the monkeys, the swordfight on the jeeps and the escape from the bomb, falling down three waterfalls unharmed, the ants. I could go on... I'm willing to stretch believabilty when it comes to Indiana Jones but this was just taking advantage. It was Die Hard 4 all over again.

The movie didn't even really kick off for about 10 or 15 minutes. The last three movies kicked you right in the head straight off the bat with an action sequence that could be reserved for the finale however although the scene in the warehouse was decent it just took too damn long to get there.

It annoyed me that most of the action didn't even revolve around Indy. He pretty much took the back seat. I'm sorry but when I watch an Indiana Jones movie I wanna see Indiana Jones, not some teenage biker guy swordfighting in a stupidly over the top, drawn out sequence.

Before I went in I refused to read any reviews or even rewatched the trailer. I wanted the experience to be as fresh and exciting as possible. Sadly unlike the other three movies which flew by and left me wanting more, this installment had me squirming and checking my watch.

Oh and Karen Allen's constant grinning through every scene was irritating as hell. All her and Ford's scenes together seemed rushed and awkward. The annoying cockney guy who kept switching sides was underdeveloped and quite frankly I didn't give a crap about him. John Hurt was also wasted.

Oh good lord, I continue. The finale was a huge anti climax. I expect puzzles, riddles, challenges... something but no they just show the skull to everything and waltz into the big finale.

To top it all off they get Marian and Indy get married in one of the most cringeworthy sequences of the entire movie. The ALMOST passing on of the hat to Mutt had me pulling faces.

Sorely let down...

CGI kills action movies. It gives directors the ability to create sequences that aren't phisically possible, the problem is that if it's that impossible to do then maybe they shouldn't in many cases.

19 years to get this script together? All I can say is wow.
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It's a solid film but for me the weakest of the lot so far.
No higher than a 7/10
Ford and Labeouf (sp) were great it was just a little too farfetched for my liking. I know Indy films always are but this one a little to much. There's some really good laughs and it's an enjoyable film but i can't help but feel they picked the wrong story to go with.
I like how you guys use the grey text for spoiler discussion! How do you do it? *edit* ahhh... there is a SPILER button! Nifty!

P.S: Indy 4 was mediocre and instantly forgettable. Shame. Had good parts in it, but the storyline was crap, the skull looked like a prop from X Files and a lot of characters were wasted.