Heya guys,
I'm after a bit of advice from the more experience anime collectors on here if possible.
I'm looking to increase the number of anime CD soundtracks I import from Japan (currently only get a few from Amazon.co.jp, but the carriage is a killer) and also finally start importing Japanese DVD's, and I was wondering if anyone could give advice on good sites to import from with reasonable carriage charges (SAL preferable, for sneaking through customs
My biggest priority though is everything has to be legitimate. I have no time for bootleggers and don't trust E-bay as far as I can throw it
I've looked at Play-asia and Yesasia.com and I'd appreciate hearing anyones experiences with them if possible.
Many thanks in advance for any help provided.
I'm after a bit of advice from the more experience anime collectors on here if possible.
I'm looking to increase the number of anime CD soundtracks I import from Japan (currently only get a few from Amazon.co.jp, but the carriage is a killer) and also finally start importing Japanese DVD's, and I was wondering if anyone could give advice on good sites to import from with reasonable carriage charges (SAL preferable, for sneaking through customs
My biggest priority though is everything has to be legitimate. I have no time for bootleggers and don't trust E-bay as far as I can throw it
I've looked at Play-asia and Yesasia.com and I'd appreciate hearing anyones experiences with them if possible.
Many thanks in advance for any help provided.