Ignore users posts mod?

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Ryo Chan

It's no secret that not everyone on the forums gets on with eachother, and oftern peoples posts end up getting deleted or topics closed because of off topic arguements. So would it be possible to add an "ignore user" option, atleast giving people the option to avoid these fights. (lets face it, it's easy to say "don't read their posts" but if you want to keep talking about the topic that's not so easy to do
I'm with him on this feature... (gah, I keep calling Ryo Chan a her for some reason)

I know that all of us members meant to be mature, but recentley, it's all started to go downhill, and not everyone seem to get on.

Or we could play the blame game...
trust me, i'm the last person to want to get into a fight but lately i've had to delete many a post of things i've said that i didn't mean too. Personally i couldn't care too much if people want to fight and moan, it's their choice

i'd just like the choice to not have to read it
And I always love going to this forum, because no one hardly argues around here. And I like it as the way it is...
But these forumers are ruining it basically >.>
Chrono Kitty said:
And I always love going to this forum, because no one hardly argues around here. And I like it as the way it is...
But these forumers are ruining it basically >.>

careful Chrono, people might accuse us of being alternate accounts, we're starting to sound the same ^^
Ryo Chan said:
Chrono Kitty said:
And I always love going to this forum, because no one hardly argues around here. And I like it as the way it is...
But these forumers are ruining it basically >.>

careful Chrono, people might accuse us of being alternate accounts, we're starting to sound the same ^^

The only difference being is that I am immature, and you're mature. But I'm only immature to the immature forumers. And we don't have the same taste in Anime D=
You can just ignore it. It's not that hard. If you are going to go as far as to use an "ignore user" feature, then you can definitely just willfully ignore any questionable post. Besides, when such a feature is used, you'll still see many of posts from the user you're blocking through quotes in other users posts. Basically, if you have a problem with someone, deal with it; try to work through it, try to resolve it. A topic like this is just a plea for attention, methinks.

I've nothing against Paul implementing such a system on these fine forums, but I don't think it should be prioritised or anything like that.
Give it a couple of weeks. If you still feel like it's a problem, then I'll look into it for you. Actually, a new version of phpbb was recently released, so this feature may be included by default (must check).
Paul said:
Give it a couple of weeks. If you still feel like it's a problem, then I'll look into it for you. Actually, a new version of phpbb was recently released, so this feature may be included by default (must check).

Cheers for that Paul

and CitizenGeek

it's not that easier when said people reply every other post, either way lets end it here for now, no need to turn another topic into a battleground.
Ryo Chan said:
it's not that easier when said people reply every other post, either way lets end it here for now, no need to turn another topic into a battleground.

Well, it's a forum, if one person says something that another person disagrees with, then that person should be able to remark on that, regardless of how regular, right?

Also, less of this hyperbole, please! "another battleground"? Past disagreements you and I have had do not warrant being called "battlegrounds" .... :roll:
I don't mind about the Ignore User idea, personally there are people on here I have fought with about varions subjects and I can think of one person I would happily block, but I doubt I would go that far as though they make stupid and irresponsible posts at times the rest of the time they are ammicable people (well sometimes anyway).

Also if we block users and there posts are removed for our viewing pleasure would the threads they have contributed to make any sense? Think of all the holes, would the 'count to a million' thread make an sense if blocks of digits were hidden from view?

CitizenGeek said:
Ryo Chan said:
it's not that easier when said people reply every other post, either way lets end it here for now, no need to turn another topic into a battleground.

Well, it's a forum, if one person says something that another person disagrees with, then that person should be able to remark on that, regardless of how regular, right?

Also, less of this hyperbole, please! "another battleground"? Past disagreements you and I have had do not warrant being called "battlegrounds" .... :roll:

Yes because by the time your done theres vbery little ground left its more like a radiative hole in cyberspece lol :lol:
I personally think we should leave it the way it is. If this was anything besides a forum, maybe i would back it up, but i think even the most annoying of posters still make decent points which are worth taking a look at. If someone wants to make a fool of themself with a post, then by all means let them, just move on and imagine they never posted it, at least thats what i do.
McIcy said:
I don't mind about the Ignore User idea, personally there are people on here I have fought with about varions subjects and I can think of one person I would happily block, but I doubt I would go that far as though they make stupid and irresponsible posts at times the rest of the time they are ammicable people (well sometimes anyway).

There are many people on here who I wish weren't, there are many people that really annoy me; but they're here and they're not breaking any rules, so I just have to live with that. I'm certain other people could adopt that stance, too.

Yes because by the time your done theres vbery little ground left its more like a radiative hole in cyberspece lol :lol:

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