Ian huntley tried to top himself.


Stand User
I'll find the source soon.
But basically he got hold of tons of medication and well nows he's in a&e.

The sick guy doesn't deserve to die.

Soham murderer Ian Huntley was admitted to hospital last night after overdosing with prescription medication, despite being on suicide watch.

Huntley, 33, convicted of killing schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002, alerted staff at the Wakefield high security prison after taking the medication, the prison service said.

Officers found him while still conscious and took him to an undisclosed hospital. Late last night he was allowed to return to prison. A prison service spokesman, said: "We can confirm that Ian Huntley was treated in hospital for a suspected overdose. We will be investigating events surrounding this incident."

Article continues
It is the third such incident involving Huntley, and will raise questions about security at the West Yorkshire prison.

In September 2006 prison staff found him unconscious in his cell in the early hours of the morning, again of a suspected drugs overdose. He had recently been taken off a full suicide watch.

In June 2003, he apparently tried to take his life while on remand in Woodhill prison near Milton Keynes; the former school caretaker was subsequently convicted of murder and is serving a minimum 40-year sentence.

The prison service refused to say what type of drugs Huntley had taken or whether he was receiving prescription medication. Mark Leech, editor of the Prisons Handbook, said it was not uncommon for inmates to trade medication.

Mr Leech said: "This is a dreadful story for the prison service and a huge embarrassment for them, particularly as Huntley is the highest possible security category. It is going to require some heads to be banged together to sort this out."

http://www.guardian.co.uk/crime/article ... 99,00.html
your right, he doesnt deserve to die... the other prisoners in that jail are no doubt making his life a living hell and he deserves that. death would be too easy for him.
skikes said:
your right, he doesnt deserve to die... the other prisoners in that jail are no doubt making his life a living hell and he deserves that. death would be too easy for him.

Agreed, although i dont remember his crimes being on the news or anything... but to be honest with you all i dont remember what i did last week... lol
Holly and jessica manhunt?
Biggest search for 2 little girls the janitor kidnapped them and well...you fill in the blanks..
It was on the front page of newspapers and the news for weeks.
TBH I'd say let the bastard die. No amount of punishment will bring the two kids back so I say let him top himself and save the taxpayer thousands in the cost of keeping him in jail.

Sorry if that sounds harsh but even jail is too good for scum like him.
MTW said:
Holly and jessica manhunt?
Biggest search for 2 little girls the janitor kidnapped them and well...you fill in the blanks..
It was on the front page of newspapers and the news for weeks.

More like months.
Martin said:
TBH I'd say let the bastard die. No amount of punishment will bring the two kids back so I say let him top himself and save the taxpayer thousands in the cost of keeping him in jail.

Sorry if that sounds harsh but even jail is too good for scum like him.

Yeah im inclined to agree. The worse punishment would of course to let him rot in jail until he dies a old, lonely, broken and hated man but when you hear stories of how inmates have TV, Sky, 360s, pool tables etc etc it makes the whole punishment idea of prison a bit thin. Taxes should be used to keep them alive sure - but im not paying to have someone who murdered, raped, assaulted etc beat me on Warhawk!
I dont realy think anyone is that bothered if he dies. If some one told me he died it wouldnt realy change my life or anything so why should people be bothered
If you take the 'If He Died, It Wouldn't Change My Life' approach to death, Which I do a lot *gulp*, You don't have any sympathy for anything. :X

Take 9/11, I don't know anyone whom passed there. But you have to care for humanity in general.
Otherwise, Your as my mother calls me, A Robot :?

I wasn't 100% sure whether to post this.
This isn’t the first time he’s attempted to OD on anti-depressants. But what gets me about it is how they keep giving him anti-depressants. I mean, he just shouldn’t get them anyway because after what he did he deserves to be depressed.
Death is a release. If he dies by his own desire, he is escaping punishment.

Plus, if the punishment you receive for such a crime is such that you would rather die, then that is a good punishment.

Keep him alive until he dies naturally.